Francois Jullien

Resources of Christianity

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with “Christianity”? What more have we to do with it? I believe it’s important at present to take the trouble, to stop evading the question, because it is a fertile one: not for cultural identity (is Europe “Christian”?) but for culture, and especially for philosophy, which is the matter at hand. The eras of Christianity’s dominance and subsequent denunciation are behind us, and the era of its banishment upon us. It is high time to review what Christianity has caused to advene1 in thought. What possibilities of the mind has it contributed, or buried? That is my reason. Because it needs doing. Even if, having spent so much time among the Greeks and the Chinese, I am perhaps not ideally suited to the task. Perhaps the risk is worthwhile for me precisely because I take an external perspective, because I am further removed from the vassal’s position.