by Giuseppe Nenci, 131–69. Geneva: Fondation Hardt.
4 Asheri, David. 2003. Erodoto. Le Storie, libro VIII: la vittoria di Temistocle, edited by Pietro Vannicelli. Milan: Mondadori.
5 Asheri, David. 2006. Erodoto: Le Storie, libro IX: la battaglia di Platea, edited by Pietro Vannicelli. Milan: Mondadori.
6 Asheri, David. 2007. “General Introduction.” In David Asheri, Alan Lloyd, and Aldo Corcella, A Commentary on Herodotus Books I–IV, edited by Oswyn Murray and Alfonso Moreno, 1–56. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
7 Herman, Gabriel. 2001. “David Asheri.” SCI 20: 335–37.
ASIA (Ἀσίη, ἡ)
University of Kassel
Beginning with AESCHYLUS’ Persians, the Greek sources draw a dividing line between Asia and EUROPE. Earlier, however, a clearly defined meaning was connected to both concepts. “Europe” was originally limited to a region in the northeast of HELLAS, while “Asia” described the mainland mass of Asia Minor (Bichler 2014, 9).
Following the victories of CYRUS (II), the Persians assumed command over Asia (1.95), which as a result was increasingly equated with the dominion of the Persian Great King (Bichler 2014, 10). In the course of his Histories Herodotus mentions twice that the Persians claimed the whole of Asia to be their and their respective Kings’ rightful province (1.4.4; 9.116.3). In fact this view only partly corresponds with his geographic characterization of the continent.
We find Herodotus’ description of Asia within the context of two polemics against the division of the world into the three continents of Europe, Asia, and LIBYA (2.15–16; 4.36–45). Most modern scholarship considers the works of Ionian writers like Anaximander or HECATAEUS to be the object of Herodotus’ attacks (Thomas 2000, 80). Herodotus insists that the Nile DELTA needs either to be added as a fourth part to the conventional threefold division of the world (2.16.1–2) or that Libya and EGYPT should instead be seen as parts of Asia (2.5–18; 4.36–45). Europe is understood as the northern hemisphere, which exceeds Asia including Libya in its length (4.36.2) while Asia forms the second part of the contiguous continental mass of the Earth (Bichler 2014, 10). Herodotus assumes that the SEA surrounds Libya, which is only connected with Asia by a narrow land bridge (4.41, 42.2). In support, he refers to the results of several expeditions (4.42–44; 2.102) that are intended to provide empirical PROOF of his account.
A series of waterways passing from west to east distinguishes the boundary between Europe and Asia: starting at the PILLARS OF HERACLES it goes through the MEDITERRANEAN via the HELLESPONT, PROPONTIS, and the Thracian BOSPORUS into the EUXINE (Black) Sea. Subsequently, it runs to the eastern coast of the Euxine and the river PHASIS, then along the southern edge of the CAUCASUS and the CASPIAN SEA to the ARAXES RIVER, disappearing in the far east (4.40.1–2, 45.2; Prontera 2011, 182).
To the west the landmass of Asia is characterized by two headlands (ἀκταί). The first includes Asia Minor with SIGEIUM in the north and the Carian TRIOPIUM in the south (4.38). To the east it is bordered at its supposedly narrowest point (1.72.3) by the river HALYS, which separates “upper” from “lower” Asia and plays a major role as both a geographical and political dividing line in the Histories (Rollinger 2003, 317–20). From today’s perspective serious problems of consistency arise solely on the basis of Herodotus’ description of the course of the Halys, suggesting a lack of knowledge of the topography of central and eastern Anatolia (Rollinger 2003, 306–13). The second ἀκτή described by Herodotus is bordered by the region through which today the Suez Canal cuts, and it extends to Egypt and Libya (4.41.1).
Herodotus shows a reasonable knowledge of the coastal regions of Asia facing the Mediterranean, but uncertainties grow the farther his account leads him into the inland regions. For the east of Asia his statements are ultimately very vague (4.40.1–2; 2.204.1). His lack of detailed knowledge of Central Asia is apparent in the often list‐like descriptions of LANDSCAPES or local tribes. For example, he locates the Persians between the Persian Gulf and the Black Sea, while further to the north are the MEDES, the SASPEIRES, and finally the COLCHIANS (4.37).
The Herodotean SATRAPY‐list (3.89–97) demonstrates that the continent of Asia described by Herodotus includes areas that are beyond the influence of the Persian king. Some tribes like the ETHIOPIANS, Colchians, and ARABIANS render gifts voluntarily instead of TRIBUTE, while some Indians were not subjected to DARIUS I at all (3.97, 101.2). Exact geographical indications are missing from the satrapy‐list; rather, it seems to serve as a portrayal of the power and extraordinary WEALTH of the Persian Empire.
In his description of the ROYAL ROAD from SARDIS to SUSA (5.52–54) Herodotus gives distances in parasangs or daily stages, mentioning fortresses in PHRYGIA, CAPPADOCIA, CILICIA, and ARMENIA, as well as several passes. Again, the supposed border RIVERS are of particular importance, e.g., the EUPHRATES as a boundary between Cilicia and Armenia (5.52). The description of the Royal Road is embedded in his account of the journey of ARISTAGORAS (1) to SPARTA, trying to demonstrate the benefits of a CONQUEST of Susa. Striking contradictions arise from the information provided, for instance, about the localization of the MATIENIANS along the middle reaches of the Halys river in the immediate vicinity of the Phrygians and at the same time in the mountains between Armenia and CISSIA (Prontera 2011, 186–89). Modern scholarship attributes this either to the use of different SOURCES or to the fact that Herodotus attaches greater importance to the description of Asia’s riches (Bichler 2007, 75).
SEE ALSO: Asia, wife of Prometheus; Asies; Boundaries; Geography; India; Maps; Persia; Prologue
1 Bichler, Reinhold. 2007. “Herodots Historien unter dem Aspekt der Raumerfassung.” In Wahrnehmung und Erfassung geographischer Räume in der Antike, edited by Michael Rathmann, 67–80. Mainz: Philipp von Zabern.
2 Bichler, Reinhold. 2014. “Der Antagonismus von Asien und Europa: Eine historiographische Konzeption aus Kleinasien?” In Der Beitrag Kleinasiens zur Kultur‐ und Geistesgeschichte der Griechisch‐Römischen Antike, edited by Josef Fischer, 9–20. Vienna: ÖAW.
3 Prontera, Francesco. 2011. “L’Asia nella geografia di Erodoto: uno spazio in costruzione.” In Herodot und das Persische Weltreich—Herodotus and the Persian Empire, edited by Robert Rollinger, Brigitte Truschnegg, and Reinhold Bichler, 179–96. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
4 Rollinger, Robert. 2003. “The Western Expansion of the ‘Median Empire’: A Re‐examination.” In Continuity of Empires (?): Assyria, Media, Persia, edited by Giovanni B. Lanfranchi, Michael Roaf, and Robert Rollinger, 289–320. Padua: S.a.r.g.o.n.
5 Thomas, Rosalind. 2000. Herodotus in Context: Ethnography, Science and the Art of Persuasion. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
1 Martín, César. 2014. “When Greece Came to India. Herodotus and the Eastern Boundaries of the World.” In Central Asia in Antiquity, edited by Borja Antela‐Bernádez, 53–60. Oxford: Archaeopress.
2 Romm, James. 2006. “Herodotus and the Natural World.” In The Cambridge Companion to Herodotus, edited by Carolyn Dewald and John Marincola, 178–91. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
3 Wiesehöfer, Josef. 2007. “Ein König erschließt und imaginiert sein Imperium: Persische Reichsordnung und persische Reichsbilder zur Zeit Dareios I (522–486 v.Chr.).” In Wahrnehmung und Erfassung geographischer Räume in der Antike, edited by Michael Rathmann, 31–40. Mainz: Philipp von Zabern.
ASIA (Ἀσίη, ἡ) wife of Prometheus
University of Notre Dame
In his discussion of the difficulties raised by the