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The Herodotus Encyclopedia

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SCO Studi classici e orientali SemRom Seminari romani di cultura greca SIFC Studi italiani di filologia classica SNR Schweizerische numismatische Rundschau / Revue suisse de numismatique SO Symbolae Osloenses SR Studies in Religion SStor Storia della storiografia StIr Studia Iranica TAPA Transactions of the American Philological Association WS Wiener Studien YClS Yale Classical Studies ZA Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archäologie ZPalV Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palästina‐Vereins ZPE Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik

      4) Miscellaneous

accus. accusative
Akkad. Akkadian
Arab. Arabic
Aram. Aramaic
bce Before Common Era (= bc)
c. circa (“around/about,” with dates)
ce Common Era (= ad)
cf. compare/see also (confer)
contra against (the idea previously stated)
ed., eds. editor, editors
e.g. for example (exempli gratia)
Eg. Egyptian
Elam. Elamite
F, FF fragment, fragments
Gk. Greek
Heb. Hebrew
i.e. that is (id est)
l., ll. line, lines
MS, MSS manuscript, manuscripts
no. number
nom. nominative
OIr, OP Old Iranian, Old Persian (an asterisk indicates a word unattested in the surviving evidence but reconstructed by modern linguists)
p., pp. page, pages
pace despite (what the author cited says)
pl. plural
r. ruled
sing. singular
s.v. sub verbum, (that is, under the headword)
T, TT testimonium, testimonia

An illustration of a map of the Mediterranean Basin and Europe.

      Map 1 The Mediterranean Basin and Europe

An illustration of a map of the Aegean Basin and Greece.

      Map 2 The Aegean Basin and Greece

An illustration of a map of the Eastern Mediterranean and Asia.

      Map 3 The Eastern Mediterranean and Asia


      ABAE ( Ἄβαι, αἱ)


       University of Pennsylvania

      Abae was the site of an important oracle of APOLLO. Located in PHOCIS (BA 55 D3), the sanctuary is described by Herodotus as rich, and well‐stocked with TREASURIES and votive offerings. The Phocians dedicated 2,000 shields at Abae after defeating the THESSALIANS in the famous night‐time battle, when they covered themselves in chalk and terrified their opponents (8.27). In the ARCHAIC AGE the sanctuary rivaled DELPHI. The Phocians dedicated statue groups both at Abae and Delphi to commemorate their victory over the Thessalians, and the oracle at Abae was one of the six Greek ORACLES tested by CROESUS (1.46.2).

      Excavations by the German Archaeological Institute at Kalapodi have brought to light a sanctuary continuously used for cult purposes as far back as the Middle Helladic period (c. 2100–1600 BCE). The excavator, Wolf‐Dietrich