Barnes William Poems of Rural Life in the Dorset Dialect Скачать книгу href="#ulink_d4270f0e-a204-5a4b-8c02-05a54397e24e">Easter Monday 9 Dock-Leaves 9 The Blackbird 10 Woodcom' Feäst 12 The Milk-Maïd o' the Farm 13 The Girt Woak Tree that's in the Dell 15 Vellèn o' the Tree 16 Bringèn Woone Gwaïn o' Zundays 17 Evenèn Twilight 18 Evenèn in the Village 20 May 20 Bob the Fiddler 22 Hope in Spring 23 The White Road up athirt the Hill 24 The Woody Hollow 25 Jenny's Ribbons 26 Eclogue:—The 'Lotments 28 Eclogue:—A Bit o' Sly Coortèn 30 SUMMER. Evenèn, an' Maïdens out at Door 34 The Shepherd o' the Farm 35 Vields in the Light 36 Whitsuntide an' Club Walkèn 37 Woodley 39 The Brook that Ran by Gramfer's 41 Sleep did come wi' the Dew 42 Sweet Music in the Wind 43 Uncle an' Aunt Скачать книгу В начало<123456>В конец