Monica Brady-Myerov

Listen Wise

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      Teach Students to Be Better Listeners

      Monica Brady-Myerov


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      I would never have started Listenwise and thus had the experience to write this book if my husband Adam Brady-Myerov hadn't listened to me when I said I had an idea. He didn't poke holes in it or ask whether I was qualified to be an edtech entrepreneur, he just listened and said “Go for it.” I want to thank him for always listening. And to my children, who have taught me so much, thank you for your love, support, and patience.

      Thank you to my mother for telling me I could do anything I wanted and pushing me to do it. And to my father for asking me to read him the New York Times while he drove. Reading out loud to my father launched me on this path and I dedicate this book to his memory.

      My students don't listen!

      That's what almost every teacher says when I tell them that, after a career as an NPR reporter, I have started an education company focused on listening. They tell me they must repeat themselves when explaining how the Civil War got started. Or demonstrate a math concept over and over. They give simple homework directions in multiple ways. They call out to students many times before they have their attention. They lament that their students are poor listeners.

      Might every student struggle with this most basic skill? Listening. If you were to stop a hundred teachers at an education conference and ask them this question, as I have, you will find that yes, listening is something that teachers report most students don't know how to do well. And teachers are at a loss for what to do about it. This book will help.