19FIGURE 19.1 Use of nursing time. Figure created by P. Joswick, Data Citation: ...FIGURE 19.2 The Pareto principle.FIGURE 19.3 Prioritization triangle.FIGURE 19.4 Determining priorities.FIGURE 19.5 Assignment sheet excerpt.FIGURE 19.6 Blank assignment sheet.
16 Chapter 20FIGURE 20.1 Kotter's eight‐step change model.FIGURE 20.2 PDCA model. Adapted from: Vasić, M., Potkonjak, A., Stanojevic, Da...FIGURE 20.3 Concept map.FIGURE 20.4 Florence Nightingale.
17 Chapter 23FIGURE 23.1 One must try to see things from various perspectives, especially w...FIGURE 23.2 The Ethical Positioning System Model.FIGURE 23.3 The Ethical Positioning System Diagram (Step 4 of the EPS Model).FIGURE 23.4 Application of The Ethical Positioning System Diagram.FIGURE 23.5 Problem statement, What shold the nurse do?
18 Chapter 24FIGURE 24.1 2018 U.S. population by race.FIGURE 24.2 2016, 2030, and 2060 projections of U.S. population and nurses by ...FIGURE 24.3 Computer on wheels with Video Remote Interpreting.FIGURE 24.4 Top 8 religions by race in the United States.FIGURE 24.5 Men respectfully holding the Qur'an.
19 Chapter 25FIGURE 25.1 The National Council of State Boards of Nursing‐Clinical Judgment ...FIGURE 25.2 Maslow's Hierarchy of Need.
20 Chapter 26FIGURE 26.1 Photo of 1LT Karen O'Brien, Army Nurse Corp, circa 1987.
21 Chapter 27FIGURE 27.1 Career path.FIGURE 27.2 Applications spreadsheet.
22 Chapter 28FIGURE 28.1 My plate.FIGURE 28.2 Physical activity needs of adults.
23 Chapter 29FIGURE 29.1 Most nurses choose to work in acute care hospitals but choices for...FIGURE 29.2 Employment of Registered Nurses by State.
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