H. J. R. Murray

The History of Chess

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quoted in CPC., 1849, ix. 246, and in Forbes, 271–5. Claine, J., Chess in Sumatra, in BCM., 1891, 467, Crawfurd, J., History of the Indian Archipelago, Edinburgh, 1820, i. 112; quoted in Forbes, 265–71. Eleum, J. B., Malay Chess, in Singapore Free Press, c.1900. Marsden, Dr. W., History of Sumatra, London, third edition, 1811, 273; quoted in Forbes, 262–3. Raffles, Sir T. Stamford, History of Java, London, 1817; quoted in Forbes, 263–5. Robinson, H.O., Malay Chess, in Cheltenham Examiner, July 27, 1904. Skeat, W. W., Malay Magic, London, 1900, 485–6. Von Oefele, A., Das Schachspiel der Bataker, Leipzig, 1904 (cf. Deutsches Wochenschach, Berlin, Oct. 8, 1905, xxi. 365). Wilkinson, R. J., Papers on Malay Subjects, Life and Customs, Part iii, Kuala Lumpur, 1910, 56–7 and Appendix x. 91–4 (Robinson’s paper). Zimmermann, Dr. W. F. A., Der Vulkanismus auf Java, Berlin, 1861, 291.


      Bastian, Dr. A., Schach in Birma, in Illustrirte Zeitung, Leipzig, July 4, 1863. Schach in Siam, in Illustrirte Zeitung, Leipzig, April 16, 1864. Bowring, Sir J., Kingdom and People of Siam, London, 1857. Himly, K., Das siamesische Schachspiel, in Illustrirte Zeitung, Leipzig, Oct. 11, 1879; whence in Sch., 1880, 321–4. La Loubère, Du Royaume de Siam, Paris, 1691, ii. 97. Low, Capt. J., On Siamese Literature, in Asiatic Researches, London, 1836, xx. ii, 374. Moura, Royaume du Cambodge. Scott, Sir J. G. (Shway Yoe), The Burman, London, 1882 (Reference: Shway Yoe). Scott-O’Connor, V. C., The Silken East, London, 1904, i. 186. Symes, Account of an Embassy to the Kingdom of Ava, London, 1800, 466–7.


      Ball, J. D., Things Chinese, London, 1904, 132–6. Barrow, J., Voyage en Chine, traduit de J. Castro, Paris, 1805, i. 266. Chamberlain, B. H., Things Japanese, London, 1898. Chō Yō, Japanese Chess, Chicago, 1905. Culin, S., Korean Games, Philadelphia, 1895, 82–99. Himly, K., Das Schachspiel der Chinesen, in ZDMG., 1870, xxiv. 172. Streifzüge in das Gebiet der Geschichte des Schachspiels, in ZDMG., 1872, xxvi. 121. Das japanische Schachspiel, in ZDMG., 1879, xxxiii. 672. Anmerkungen in Beziehung auf das Schach und andere Brettspiele, in ZDMG., 1887, xli. 461. Morgenländisch oder abendländisch? in ZDMG., 1889, xliii. and 1890, xliv. The Chinese Game of Chess, in Journal of the North China Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society for 1869–70, Shanghai, 105–21. Die Abtheilung der Spiele im Spiegel der Mandschu-Sprache, in Toung Pao, 1895–8. Hollingworth, H. G., A Short Sketch of Chinese Chess, in Journal of the N. China Branch of the R. A. S., Shanghai, 1866, 107–12. Holmboe, C. A., Del chinesiske Skakspil, Christiania, 1871 (an off-print from Vidensk. Selsk. Forhandlinger, 1870). Holt, H. F. W., Notes on the Chinese Game of Chess, in JRAS., 1885, xvii. 352–65). Holtz, V., Japanisches Schachspiel, in Mittheilungen der deutschen Gesellschaft für Natur- und Völkerkunde Ostasiens, Leipzig, I, V. 10. Irwin, Eyles, Account of the Chinese Game of Chess, in Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy, Dublin, 1793, v. 53–63. Junghaus, Ostasiatische Brettspiele, in Velhagen und Klasing’s Monatshefte, Feb. 1905, xix. 677–87. Menar, K. R., Stein der Weisen, 1902, XV. 143–4. Perry, M. C., Narrative of the Expedition to Japan, Washington, 1856, 464–6 (incorporating D. S. Green’s The Japanese Game of Sho-ho-ye, corresponding to our Game of Chess, in the Japan Expedition Express, Sept. 7, 1854). Purchas, Rev. S., Hakluytus Posthumus, or Purchas his Pilgrimes, London, 1625–6. Samedo, Relatione della grande Monarchia della China, Madrid, 1642. Schlegel, G., Chinesische Bräuche und Spiele in Europa, Breslau, 1869. Trigauthius, N., De Christiana expeditione apud Sinas, Aug. Vind., 1615 (quoted in Selenus, 37). Vaughan, J. D., Manners and Customs of the Chinese of the Straits Settlements, Singapore, 1881, 48–9. Volpicello, Z., Chinese Chess, in Journal of the N. China Branch of the R. A. S., Shanghai, xxiii. Von Möllendorff, O., Schachspiel der Chinesen, in Mittheilungen der deutschen Gesellschaft für Natur- und Völkerkunde Ostasiens, Leipzig, 1876, XI, ii. Wilkinson, W. H., Manual of Chinese Chess, Shanghai, 1893. Chess in Korea, in Pall Mall Budget, Dec. 27, 1894 (also in Korean Repository). Williams, S. W., The Middle Kingdom, London, 1883, i. 827–9.

      The Chess World, 1868, 79–84, and the Chinese Repository, ix. 160, contain accounts of Japanese chess.


      Bland N., Persian Chess in JRAS., London, 1850, xiii. 27 (and also separately published). Browne, W.G., Travels in Africa, Egypt, and Syria, London, 1799. Gildemeister, J., Geschichte und Litteratur des Schachspiels von v. d. Linde, in ZDMG., 1874, xxviii, 682–98. Grimm, V., Letters in CPC., 1851 (whence in Forbes, 243), and Sch., 1865, 361–4. Höst, G., Efterretninger om Marokos og Fes, Copenhagen, 1779, 105–6. Jirjis Filuthā’ūs, Al-bākūra-al-manīra fi la‘ba ashshaṭranj ash-shahīra, Cairo, 1892. Meakin, D., The Moors, London, 1902, 124. Murray, H. J. R. Ta‘biyat and other Battle-Arrays, in BCM., 1900, 169–76. The oldest recorded Games of Chess, in BCM., 1903, 441–9. Nöldeke, Persische Studien, II, in Sitzungsberichte der k. Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien, phil.-hist. Classe, Vienna, 1892, CXXVI., xii. Piacenza, F., I Campeggiamenti degli Scacchi, Turin, 1683. Plowden, W. C., Travels in Abyssinia, edited by T. C. Plowden, London, 1868, 149. Stamina, P., Noble Game of Chess, London, 1745. Valentia, Lord, Travels, London, 1809, iii. 57 (quoted in Forbes, 240–2).

      Das dreyseitige Schachbrett, Regensburg, 1765, 31. Persian Chess, in CPC., 1846, 211, 252, 276. Revista Scacchistica Italiana, 1903 (Algerian chess). BCM., 1894, 10 (Turkish Chess).


      Amelung, F., Zur Geschichte des Schachspiels in Russland, in Baltische Schachblätter, 1898, 139. Craufurd, Sketches relating to the Hindoos, London, 1792, ii. Cochrane, J. D., Narrative of a Pedestrian Journey through Russia and Siberian Tartary, London, 1824, i. 319. Culin, S., Games of the N. American Indians, Washington, 1907, 793. Gilmour, Rev. J., Among the Mongols, London, 292. Gonyaief, in Shakhmatni Listok, 1879. Huc and Gabet, Travels, London, third edition, 1856, XX. Jaenisch, Linguistique de Véchiquier russe, in Palamède, 1842, ii. 163–5. Murray, H. J. R., Chess in Central and Northern Asia, in BCM., 1904, 182–4. On the History of Chess in the Russian Empire, in BCM., 1907, 1–5, 49–53. Pallas, P. S., Sammlungen hist. Nachrichten über die mongolischen Völkerschaften, St. Petersburg, 1776, i. 157. Savenkof, E. V., K voprosu op evolutsiē shakhmatnoí egry, Moscow, 1905. Sorokin, S. A., in Shakhmatnoy Obosrenie, Moscow, 1892, 222, 307, 342.


      Abrahams, I., Jewish Life in the Middle Ages, London, 1896, xxii. 388–98. Allen, G., Life of Philidor, Philadelphia, 1863. Allen, Lake, Chess in Europe during the 13th Century, in New Monthly Magazine, London, 1822, iv. 319, 417; v. 125, 315. Barrington, Hon. Daines, An Historical Disquisition of the Game of Chess, in Archaeologia, London, 1787, ix. 14–38. Basterot, Le Comte de, Traité élémentaire du Jeu des Échecs, Paris, second edition, 1863. Bilguer, P. R. v., Handbuch des Schachspiels, seventh edition, Leipzig, 1884.1 Carrera, P., Giuoco degli Scacchi, Militello, 1617. Cook, W., The Evolution of the Chess Openings, Bristol, 1906. Dalton, O. M., Catalogue of Ivory Carvings … in the British Museum, London, 1909. Douce, F., European Names of the Chess-men, in Archaeologia, London, 1794, xi. 397–410. Eiserhardt, E., Die mittelalterliche Schachterminologie des Deutschen, Freiburg i. B. (1912). Fiske, D. W., Book of the First American Chess Congress, New York, 1859 (History of Chess in America). Chess in Iceland, Florence, 1905. Gay, J., Bibliographie anecdotique du Jeu des Échecs, Paris, 1864. Íslenzkar Gátur, iv, Kaupmannahöfn, 1892. Lambe, R., History of Chess, London, 1764. Leon, J. A., Old Masters of Modern Chess, in BCM., 1894, 393, 429; 1895, 1, 109, 149, 245, 453, 501; 1896, 1, 297. Lewis, W., Letters on Chess from C. F. Vogt, translated by U. Ewell, London, 1848. Madden, Sir F., Historical Remarks on the ancient Chess-men discovered in the Isle of Lewis, in Archaeologia, London, 1832, xxiv. 203–91. Massmann, H. F., Geschichte des mittelalterlichen Schachspiels, Quedlinburg, 1839. Paluzie y Lucena, J., Manual de Ajedrez, Parte Sexta, Barcelona, 1912. Ponziani, II giuoco incomparabile degli Scacchi, Modena, seconda edizione, 1782. Salvio, A., II Puttino, Naples, 1634. Strohmeyer, F., Das Schachspiel im Altfranzösischen, in Abhandlungen Herrn Prof. Dr. A. Tobler, Halle, 1895 (Reference: St.). Selenus, Gustavus, Das Schach- oder König·Spiel, Leipzig, 1616. Twiss, R., Chess, London, 1787–9 (Reference: Twiss). Miscellanies, London, 1805, ii. Van der Linde, A., Das Schachspiel des XVI. Jahrhunderts, Berlin,