Feature: Timelines
Timelines are included at the start of each chapter to give the reader a snapshot of relevant events.
Feature: Key terms and glossary
Key terms are given in bold, defined in the adjacent margin, and included in a complete glossary at the end of the book.
Art and Literature
Art and Literature feature boxes explore contemporary Roman descriptions of the art from each period and the reception of works and styles.
A View from the Provinces
A View from the Provinces feature boxes spotlight art from outside Rome, providing the reader with an awareness of art across the expanse of the Roman world.
Scholarly Perspective
Scholarly Perspective feature boxes examine a scholarly debate, perspective, or approach to the art, giving readers a case study in how we know what we know and supporting a critical understanding of the art of ancient Rome.
Tools & Techniques
Tools & Techniques sidebars provide readers with insight into the artistic techniques and materials used to create the art.
More on Myth
More on Myth sidebars highlight specific myths central to the art, giving the reader the necessary background to recognize and interpret mythological figures and stories depicted in art and architecture.
Ancients on Art
Ancients on Art sidebars include quotations that enable readers to engage with ancient testimony about the material.
Form & Function
Form & Function sidebars examine social contexts, the functionality of art and buildings, and their relationship with the everyday lives of Romans.
Historical Context
Historical Context sidebars provide the reader with a solid foundational knowledge of specific events that influenced art of the period.
Suggestions for Further Reading
Suggestions for Further Reading appear at the end of each chapter and include a selection of recent, accessible scholarship to help readers embark on further study.
Guide to Further Reading
A Guide to Further Reading is included at the end of the book and contains additional recommended books and articles.
753 BCE | Founding of Rome by Romulus |
753–509 BCE | Regal Period of Rome, rule by kings |
670–650 BCE | Regolini‐Galassi tomb, Cerveteri |
600–550 BCE | Tomb of the Shields and Chairs, Cerveteri |
535–509 BCE | Rome’s last king, Tarquin the Proud, rules the city |
530 BCE | Tomb of the Augurs, Tomb of Hunting and Fishing, Tarquinia |
525 BCE | Terracotta sarcophagus from Cerveteri |
510 BCE | Apollo of Portonaccio sanctuary, Veii |
509 BCE | Founding of the Republic; first public games, the ludi Romani, held in Rome; inauguration of the Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus |
480 BCE | Tomb of the Diver, Paestum |
474 BCE | Battle of Cumae, Greeks defeat Etruscans |
470 BCE | Tomb of the Leopards, Tarquinia |
396 BCE | Romans besiege and defeat Veii, one of the twelve major Etruscan cities |
390 BCE | Gallic sack of Rome |
386 BCE | “Servian wall” built around Rome |
364 BCE | First theatrical performance in Rome |
338 BCE | Ostia, Rome’s first colony, established |
300 BCE |