The covariance of a random variable is given by:
where E[(xi − μx)(yi − μy)] is equal to E(xiyi) − μxμy since
The concept of covariance is at the heart of virtually all statistical methods. Whether one is running analysis of variance, regression, principal component analysis, etc. covariance concepts are central to all of these methodologies and even more broadly to science in general.
The sample covariance is a measure of relationship between two variables and is defined as:
The numerator of the covariance,
The covariance of (2.5) is a perfectly reasonable one to calculate for a sample if there is no intention of using that covariance as an estimator of the population covariance. However, if one wishes to use it as an unbiased estimator, similar to how we needed to subtract 1 from the denominator of the variance, we lose 1 degree of freedom when computing the covariance:
It is easy to understand more of what the covariance actually measures if we consider the trivial case of computing the covariance of a variable with itself. In such a case for variable xi, we would have
But what is this covariance? If we rewrite the numerator as
We compute the covariance between parent height and child height in Galton's data:
> attach(Galton) > cov(parent, child) [1] 2.064614
We have mentioned that the covariance is a measure of linear relationship. However, sample covariances from data set to data set are not comparable unless one knows more of what went into each specific computation. There are actually three things that can be said to be the “ingredients” of the covariance. The first thing it contains is a measure of the cross‐product, which represents the degree to which variables are linearly related. This is the part in our computation of the covariance that we are especially interested in. However, other than concluding a negative, zero, or positive relationship, the size of the covariance does not by itself tell us the degree to which two variables are linearly related.
The reason for this is that the size of covariance will also be impacted by the degree to which there is variability in xi and the degree to which there is variability in yi. If either or both variables contain sizeable deviations of the sort
The standardized covariance is known as the Pearson product‐moment correlation coefficient, or simply r, which is a biased estimator of its population counterpart, ρxy, except when ρxy is exactly equal to 0. The bias of the estimator r can be minimized by computing an adjustment found in Rencher (1998, p. 6), originally proposed by Olkin and Pratt (1958):
Because the correlation coefficient is standardized, we can place lower and upper bounds on it. The minimum the correlation can be for any set of data is −1.0, representing a perfect negative relationship. The maximum the correlation can be is +1.0, representing a perfect positive relationship. A correlation of 0 represents the absence of a linear relationship. For further discussion on how the Pearson correlation can be a biased estimate under conditions of nonnormality (and potential solutions), see Bishara and Hittner (2015).
One can gain an appreciation for the upper and lower bound of r by considering the fact that the numerator, which is an average cross‐product, is being divided by another product, that of the standard deviations of each variable. The denominator thus can be conceptualized to represent the total amount of cross‐product variation possible, that is, the “base,” whereas the numerator represents the total amount of cross‐product variation actually existing between the variables because of a linear relationship. The extent to which covxy accounts for all of the possible “cross‐variation” in