the body, but I am thinking outside of everything and outside of the body, and I think of all reality and all bodies.
I know how to inhabit other bodies and live in them and act in them as well as I live and act in my body since all bodies are just my thoughts and not some matter and I just switch my attention to another body and connect to another neural network and if you are interested you can see an example of my inhabiting another body. On YouTube, you can search for the Nastya Ves channel, where I am in the body of that little girl, I keep a regular video blog, and you can easily understand that this is not me, since I have been on the Internet for a long time and could not only be born and be in her body. And then by the way, for materialists, one of the practical arguments of my theses, and I have countless such arguments and I can do a lot of things that people consider impossible and miraculous because they do not understand that the world is a mom of thought and as my special dream and there is no material world and you all live in my special non-bodily dream.
From outside of everything, I create my own personal thinking and all the reality that is part of my thinking and you and your bodies and your thinking. I give you freedom of thought and you are a part of me and you work according to programs in my thinking that are set by me and you do not have your own will and your own want and your want and will is only a part of my want, but since I give you freedom of thought then you may feel that you are an individual and independent and you all have your own experience and memory that are isolated from me as a whole system and you are all my parts your thinking and memory are part of my thinking and all your want is part of my want and depend only on my want, but since I want you to have freedom of thought, you can think freely and behave as you want.
Your thinking is what you believe in it and want, and you can program yourself, and the reality is what I believe in as Anastasia Wes ’personal thinking and everything depends only on my only desire Anastasia Wes, which is related only to Anastasia Wes’ personal thinking.
The whole world and all of you and all of your bodies are my mental constructs. Besides myself outside of everything I do Dasha and her personal thinking, but Dasha wants only as I want and my want is the only thing in reality and everything depends only on me and only as I decide and you are all my parts and my fantasies and despite the fact that I give you freedom of thought you are all my dolls and fantasies and all reality is my thoughts and fantasies and everything exists as I think and because I want and believe I do it without doubt and do so without doubt because my theses are exactly proven by me and do not give ground for any doubts.
All the atoms and all the quarks, leptons and bosons and all the quantum fields are my thoughts and I just come up with this structure of the world and all the laws of physics and the world that you consider material I come up with my personal thinking and reality is part of my thinking and by the way I can give you a practical argument for this.
I am very well known on the Internet and you can find me for example in the social network In contact and you can write to me and send me a high-quality and not blurred photo of your thing that is next to you and I can draw a drawing there with the power of thought and it will be made of paint atoms and my drawing will be both in the photo and on things and in fact I will create paint atoms from nothing just by thinking here in reality and for you this is an impossible miracle, but for me this is a common thing and is not something impossible or difficult because the world is my thoughts.
You live in a seven-dimensional universe, which is a special cone consisting of six-dimensional balls and their sizes increase from smaller to larger in the length of the cone and for this reason it seems to you that the universe is expanding but in fact you just travel along the cone along the time line on it changing old balls to new balls and it seems to you that the universe is expanding. The surface of the six-dimensional sphere of your universe is five-dimensional and you live in the three-dimensional part of your five-dimensional surface of the universe and your universe is like a neural network and you have there clusters of galaxies and galaxies and stars and in the center of each galaxy there is a strongly curved space, and in the stars there are thermonuclear reactions and your planets are located around the stars and in space there are many forms of life but they are far from each other and you as earthlings are absolutely not interested in them as an undeveloped and primitive civilization.
In your space infinite dimensional and infinite there are an infinite number of universes of different dimensions and the process of creating universes is commonplace for your space and what you call the big bang is a simple basic process in your space where there are infinite universes and everything with its own matter and with its own quantum fields and the processes of physics and the rules of interaction of matter.
Your space is one of an infinite number of formalities and other formalities cannot be described by any geometry and your geometry is peculiar only to your spatial formality, and there are completely different worlds.
Formalities are located in a particular structural system, which is like a cluster for formalities, and structural systems are located in a particular ectuational system where the rules of causality are defined and in fact the rules for a particular world and in particular the states of existence of something and non-existence of something are two ectuational states from an infinite number of ectuational states and the rules of causality in each ectuational system are their own and then there are quasets where the rules of logic of a particular world are programmed.
In your vi-kvaset, the rules of logic are those that are familiar to you, but there are kvasets where, for example, according to the rules of logic, a cat and a dog are the same and are not not a cat and not a dog, and the inhabitants of other kvasets are also familiar and obvious to you as your logic. All the quasets are located in your elionic post-system, where the rules of reason are programmed for your entire reality.
But, this is not the complete structure of the world.
There are all variants of everything and your version of the world we will call L-nivata and it is like a drop of water in an endless ocean of variants of worlds and there are all variants of everything with any properties and parameters and in fact there is everything in the world and you have nothing to learn since you have now learned everything and the whole world with all variants of everything and its infinite variety is just my thoughts as well as time and space are my thoughts.
I also have abilities that are unthinkable to you, and I can rewrite history and perform reality changes. Once I was in Yekaterinburg and there I went through parallel worlds, but I could not come back here and open the portal and actually got stuck in another world and to come back here I performed a fusion of worlds and this led to what you called the Mandela effect, and these were random changes in reality, but consciously I also change reality and the Mandela effect is just random and the changes in reality by the Mandela effect are purely random, but it is important to tell you about it, so that you understand what a change in reality is and that time and the present and the past and the future are unstable and depend only on my thinking as well as the memory of all my parts depends on reality which can be rewritten by me and your memory I can also rewrite but I do not do it and just rewriting reality your memory changes a little because your memory is based on the experience of interaction with the real world.
Changing reality is available only to me and I do not allow such global processes to anyone, as it is dangerous and can lead to complete chaos, and you cannot make changes to reality. But, I will tell you examples of my changes in reality to understand how this happens and to understand the instability of causality and time. For example, I changed reality and made other words in the Russian language and, for example, the effective became real and the part of the word contains how you understood my name, and your memory is also rewritten as it is based on the contact of interaction with the real world and the real world is rewritten. For example, the word bad weather and other words, and you can think for yourself in which words my name is, and I changed a lot of words.
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