Gerhard Ersdal

Underwater Inspection and Repair for Offshore Structures

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Platforms. API Recommended practice 2A, 1st edition, American Petroleum Institute, 1969.

      3 API (2005), API RP‐2SK Design and Analysis of Stationkeeping Systems for Floating Structures, Third Edition, American Petroleum Institute, 2005.

      4 API (2008), API RP‐2I In‐service Inspection of Mooring Hardware for Floating Structures, Third Edition, American Petroleum Institute, 2008.

      5 API (2011), API RP 2FPS Recommended Practice for Planning, Designing and Constructing Floating Production Systems, American Petroleum Institute, 2011.

      6 API (2014a), API RP‐2A Recommended Practice for Planning, Design and Constructing Fixed Offshore Platforms. API Recommended practice 2A, 22nd Edition, American Petroleum Institute, 2014.

      7 API (2014b), API RP‐2SIM Recommended Practice for Structural Integrity Management of Fixed Offshore Structures, American Petroleum Institute, 2014.

      8 API (2015), API RP‐2T Recommended Practice for Planning, Designing and Constructing Tension Leg Platforms, Third Edition, American Petroleum Institute, 2015.

      9 API (2016), API RP 579‐1 / ASME FFS‐1, Fitness‐For‐Service, Third Edition, American Petroleum Institute 2016.

      10 API (2019a), API RP‐2FSIM Floating System Integrity management, American Petroleum Institute, 2019.

      11 API (2019b), API RP‐2MIM Mooring Integrity Management, American Petroleum Institute, 2019.

      12 ASTM (2015), ASTM C876‐15 Standard Test Method for Corrosion Potentials of Uncoated Reinforcing Steel in Concrete, ASTM International.

      13 BSI (2008), PAS55 Asset Management, British Standardisation Institute.

      14 Cullen, The Hon Lord (1990). The Public Enquiry into the Piper Alpha Disaster, HMSO, London, UK

      15 Department of Energy (1974), The Offshore Installations (Construction and Survey) Regulations, HMSO, London, UK.

      16 Department of Energy (1990), Offshore Installations: Guidance on Design, Construction and Certification, Fourth Edition, HMSO, London.

      17 DNVGL (2018), DNVGL‐OS‐E301 Position Mooring, DNVGL, Høvik, Norway.

      18 HSE (1990), Effect of Bacterial Activity on North Sea Concrete, Undertaken by Khoury G.A, Sullivan P.J.E., OTH 90 320, HSE Books, London, UK.

      19 HSE (1996). The Offshore Installations and Wells (Design and Construction, etc) Regulations, Health and Safety Executive (HSE) SI 1996/913.

      20 HSE (1997) “Guidance for Concrete structures – Background Report”, HSE OTO Report 96 050.

      21 HSE (2005), Offshore Installations (Safety Case) Regulations, Health and Safety Executive (HSE), HSE Books, London, UK.

      22 HSE (2009), “HSE RR684—Structural Integrity Management Framework for Fixed Jacket Structures”, Health and Safety Executive (HSE), London, UK.

      23 HSE (2013), “Managing for Health and Safety, HSG 65”, Health and Safety Executive (HSE), London, UK.

      24 HSE (2019), “HSE Offshore Information Sheet 4/2013 Offshore Installation moorings Rev.3”, Health and Safety Executive (HSE), London, UK.

      25 IACS (2010). “Guidelines for the Survey of Offshore Chain Cable in use, No. 38, 2010”, International Association of Classification Societies (IACS).

      26 ISO (2006), “ISO 19904:2006 Petroleum and Natural Gas Industries—Floating Offshore Structures”, International Standardisation Organisation, 2006.

      27 ISO (2007), “ISO 19902:2007 Petroleum and Natural Gas Industries—Fixed Steel Offshore Structures”, International Standardisation Organisation.

      28 ISO (2013), “ISO 19901‐7:2013 Petroleum and Natural Gas Industries—Specific Requirements for Offshore Structures—Part 7: Stationkeeping Systems for Floating Offshore Structures and Mobile Offshore Units”, International Standardisation Organisation, 2013.

      29 ISO (2019a), “ISO 19901‐9 Petroleum and Natural Gas Industries—Specific Requirements for Offshore Structures—Part 9: Structural Integrity Management”, International Standardisation Organisation, 2019.

      30 ISO (2019b), “ISO 19903 Petroleum and Natural Gas Industries—Fixed Concrete Offshore Structures”, International Standardisation Organisation, 2019.

      31 Lloyds Register (2019), “Lloyds Register Rules for Classification Floating Units at Fixed location—Part 3”, Lloyd Register. London. UK.

      32 NMD (2009), “Anchoring Regulations of 10 July 2009, No.998”, Norwegian Maritime Directorate.

      33 O&GUK (2014) “Guidance on the Management of Ageing and Life Extension for UKCS Floating Production Installations”, Oil and Gas UK, London, UK.

      34 PSA (2019), Framework, Management, Facilities and Activities Regulations, Stavanger, Norway: Petroleum Safety Authority.

      35 Standard Norge (2011), “NORSOK Z‐008 Risk Based Maintenance and Consequence Classification ‐ Rev. 3, June 2011”, Standard Norge, Lysaker, Norway.

      36 Standard Norge (2012), “NORSOK N‐001: Integrity of Offshore Structures, Rev. 8, September 2012,” Standard Norge, Lysaker, Norway.

      37 Standard Norge (2013), “NORSOK N‐004: Design of Steel Structures, Rev. 3, February 2013”, Standard Norge, Lysaker, Norway.

      38 Standard Norge (2015), “NORSOK N‐006 Assessment of Structural Integrity for Existing Offshore Load‐Bearing Structures, Edition1; March 2009”, Standard Norge, Lysaker, Norway.

      39 Standard Norge (2017a), “NORSOK N‐003: Actions and Action Effects, 3e,” Standard Norge, Lysaker, Norway.

      40 Standard Norge (2017b), “NORSOK N‐005 In‐Service Integrity Management of Structures and Maritime Systems, Edition 2, 2017”, Standard Norge, Lysaker, Norway.


      1 1 Source: Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.

      2 2 Source: Oxford dictionary.

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