Fred Harrison

The Power In The Land

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providence divided the earth among a few lordly masters, it neither forgot nor abandoned those who seemed to have been left out in the partition. These last, too, enjoy their share of all that it produces. In what constitutes the real happiness of human life, they are in no respect inferior to those who would seem so much above them. In ease of body and peace of mind, all the different ranks of life are nearly upon a level, and the beggar, who suns himself by the side of the highway, possesses that security which kings are fighting for.6

      Smith appears to confuse the differences between the division of the products of the earth, with the value of that output as it is exchanged across the stalls in the market towns. Landlords may not hoard all the food that is grown on their land; but nor do they distribute its value on a nearly equal basis, as Smith would have us believe — as any landless beggar sunning himself on the side of the highway could have told the young Professor of Moral Philosophy from Glasgow.

      Adam Smith was not a fool, and his attention to detail was meticulous. So we can account for the apparent shallowness of his economic reasoning only in terms of his having to fit reality to his theory. He must, at the outset, have decided that property rights to land should not be distributed in the new industrial system. In doing so, he was hamstringing capitalism.

      The theoretical formulations in The Wealth of Nations could have been used to predict the tragedies which would consequently afflict industrial society. For he offered a perfectly clear hypothesis about the determination of economic rent, containing all the elements of the theory which was later to be popularly associated with the name of David Ricardo. With this theory, Smith predicted that progress was biased in favour of the landlord class.

      But instead of grasping the historic opportunity presented to him of influencing events for the good of all, Smith reinforced the structural defects and human prejudices which were consequently unleashed in all their fury as never before in the history of mankind, given a new dimension by the scale of operations which is a distinguishing characteristic of the industrial mode of production. Whereas in a ‘natural' system based on agriculture, suffering arising from exploitation was limited to individual cases or small groups, now it was transformed into the disgusting deprivations of millions, the malevolent disease stretching itself right round the globe in a system which failed to correspond with Smith's vision of natural harmony.

      The competition of Smith's ‘free' market was complemented by the cooperation entailed by the division of labour. Such defects as may arise in the market he sought to attribute to personal motives (as when businessmen conspire to fix prices) rather than to institutional inadequacies. The model that he delineated was not amoral; on the contrary, he saw it as founded on natural justice.

      For Smith, natural justice established itself of its own accord for every man, so long as the laws of justice were not violated. Competition was virtuous, and not the naked thing of Marx's nightmares, the operation of some mythical ‘law of the jungle’ in which the weak are destroyed by the strong. One of Smith's rules was the concept of fair play. He illustrated what he understood by this rule, as it applied to each and every person.

      The equal opportunity for everyone to strive as hard as he or she could, and be rewarded accordingly, in a growing economy which ensured the employment of all, was an intrinsic part of his vision of the good life. So long as all the participants played the game fairly, according to the rules, all would be well. But what if the rules handicapped some of the players in such a way that there was no fair way in which they could either win the race or even reach the finishing line ? What if the rules prevented some of the would-be participants from even joining the game ? These were critical questions to which Smith should have addressed himself, for the structure of property rights, and in particular the monopoly of land, biased the system against some of the players.
