debated (Urban et al., 2016). Inclusion of kinetic processes within MHD or GCM codes is still in its infancy, although initial results are intriguing (Chen et al., 2017; Tóth et al., 2017). Many of these ideas have yet to be included in models of IT energy input and compared with observations.
Entry of energy in the IT system has been studied at length by analysis of observations and by development of a comprehensive suite of models. Overall, the deposition and dissipation of energy can be represented fairly well if climatological results or large‐scale averages in space and time are required. If more accurate specification and forecast of the IT response is required, the problem of energy input and dissipation needs to be reinvestigated. Currently, the auroral zones are the only high‐latitude region for which energy deposition is captured, and only under relatively steady conditions. At polar and subauroral latitudes, where energy input can be sporadic, the empirical models based on smoothed averages do not specify energy well.
Physics‐based models, which depend on high‐latitude electric field specification, suffer from the lack of high resolution in current electric field models. An assessment of current empirical, physics‐based GCMs and MHD coupled models shows that for the events studied, model energy input does not show good agreement with observations. As energy input is central to model predictions of energy dissipation into heating of ions and neutrals, it is not altogether surprising that observations of ion and neutral perturbations during magnetic storms do not agree with models in which the auroral zone is assumed to be the primary locus of Joule heating (Shim et al., 2012; Huang et al., 2016, 2017b).
A number of innovative approaches in modeling and data analysis have been proposed, which may benefit the goal of more accurate specification and forecast of magnetospheric energy input and dissipation in the IT system.
This research was supported by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (LRIR 18RVCOR127).
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