John B. Thompson

Merchants of Culture

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Coser et al., Books.

      13 13 Thomas Whiteside, The Blockbuster Complex: Conglomerates, Show Business, and Book Publishing (Middletown, Conn.: Wesleyan University Press, 1980).

      14 14 André Schiffrin, The Business of Books: How International Conglomerates Took Over Publishing and Changed the Way We Read (London: Verso, 2000); Jason Epstein, Book Business: Publishing Past Present and Future (New York: W. W. Norton, 2001).

      At the same time as Barnes & Noble was expanding its bookstore chain from its original base on the East Coast, Borders was building a national chain of bookstores from its base in the Midwest. In 1971 Tom and Louis Borders opened a small used bookstore in Ann Arbor, Michigan; they moved to larger premises in 1975, expanded the business and ran it successfully for many years. In 1985 they opened a second bookstore in Detroit to see whether they could replicate their success in a less academic setting. The success of the Detroit store encouraged them to expand into other locations in the Midwest and Northeast. In 1992 Borders was bought by the retail giant Kmart, which had acquired the mall-based bookstore chain Waldenbooks in 1984. Kmart merged Borders with Waldenbooks to form the Borders Group, which went public in 1995. By this stage, the Borders Group and Barnes & Noble had become the dominant book retail chains in the United States and their sales were five to ten times those of the other national chains, such as Crown and Books-A-Million.