shaft loading 5.11 Nacelle loading 5.12 Tower loading 5.13 Wind turbine dynamic analysis codes 5.14 Extrapolation of extreme loads from simulations References Appendix A5 Dynamic response of stationary blade in turbulent wind References
17 6 Conceptual design of horizontal axis wind turbines 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Rotor diameter 6.3 Machine rating 6.4 Rotational speed 6.5 Number of blades 6.6 Teetering 6.7 Power control 6.8 Braking systems 6.9 Fixed‐speed, two‐speed, variable‐slip, and variable‐speed operation 6.10 Other drive trains and generators 6.11 Drive train mounting arrangement options 6.12 Drive train compliance 6.13 Rotor position with respect to tower 6.14 Tower stiffness 6.15 Multiple rotor structures 6.16 Augmented flow 6.17 Personnel safety and access issues References Note
18 7 Component design 7.1 Blades 7.2 Pitch bearings 7.3 Rotor hub 7.4 Gearbox 7.5 Generator 7.6 Mechanical brake 7.7 Nacelle bedplate 7.8 Yaw drive 7.9 Tower 7.10 Foundations References
19 8 The controller 8.1 Functions of the wind turbine controller 8.2 Closed‐loop control: issues and objectives 8.3 Closed‐loop control: general techniques 8.4 Closed‐loop control: analytical design methods 8.5 Pitch actuators 8.6 Control system implementation References
20 9 Wake effects and wind farm control 9.1 Introduction 9.2 Wake characteristics 9.3 Active wake control methods 9.4 Wind farm control and the grid system References
21 10 Onshore wind turbine installations and wind farms 10.1 Project development 10.2 Landscape and visual impact assessment 10.3 Noise 10.4 Electromagnetic interference 10.5 Ecological assessment References Software Notes
22 11 Wind energy and the electric power system 11.1 Introduction 11.2 Wind turbine electrical systems 11.3 Wind farm electrical systems 11.4 Connection of wind farms to distribution networks 11.5 Grid codes and the connection of large wind farms to transmission networks 11.6 Wind energy and the generation system 11.7 Power quality References Appendix A11 Simple calculations for the connection of wind turbines Notes
23 12 Offshore wind turbines and wind farms 12.1 Offshore wind farms 12.2 The offshore wind resource 12.3 Design loads 12.4 Machine size optimisation 12.5 Reliability of offshore wind turbines 12.6 Fixed support structures – overview 12.7 Fixed support structures 12.8