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Строение и история развития литосферы

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      A.A. Laiba[30], D.M. Vorobyev[31], N.A. Gonzhurov[32], E.V. Mikhalsky[33]. Riphean volcanic-intrusive complex in the Prince Charles Mountains (East Antarctica): geological structure and palaeogeodynamic environments


      Recent field and laboratory studies carried out in the frame of 3 IPY, including a review and integration of previously collected data, have greatly clarified the structure, composition and boundaries of the Riphean volcanic-plutonic complex (Fisher complex), serving a key region in general region grid. The sedimentary-volcanic succession comprises seven units with a total thickness of about 10 km. Their formation occurred at about 1300 Ma. The overall trend in the evolution of volcanic rocks has, in general, continuous-differentiated character: from basic to acid, from tholeiitic to calc-alkaline and moderately alkaline, from sodium to potassium, sodium and potassium rock types. Two intrusive associations may be distinguished: an early gabbro-diorite-plagiogranite and a late gabbro-granite-syenite. The early association was formed approximately at 1290–1260 Ma, and the later in the period between 1250–1195 Ma. The presence of petrochemical intrusive series, well correlated with similar series in the volcanic rocks suggests that they had common genetic features. In terms of regional geology the Fisher region is part of the Circum-Antarctic mobile belt – the largest structure of the East Antarctic craton. The Fisher region is apparently the most preserved area in the structure of this Proterozoic mobile belt and reflects one of the options of development at an early stage. Paleotectonic environment for the Fisher region corresponds with a subduction magmatic arc between 1300–1200 Ma.

      Г.Б. Удинцев[34], А.Ф. Береснев[35], Н.А. Куренцова[36], А.В. Кольцова[37], Л.Г. Доморацкая[38], Г.В. Шенке[39], Н. Отт[40], М. Кёниг[41], В. Иокат[42], В.Г.