going to get worse. Your behavior is the reason why you might not be as successful as you want to be, maybe this is why your relationships fail or it be for some other reason. If its a person that is causing you to behave that way stay away from them, leave them, ignore them, get on with it and move on with your life. Ifs its a place then stay away from it, walk the other way and stop all communication with them.
Example One: The Criminal
Let's say you're a criminal right and you have committed a serious crime you've been living with this for so long.
When this took place instead of acting on impulse and doing it you should have stepped back and stopped to think about it more not behaving that way saying to yourself how is this going to affect the rest of my life?
So your bad thought which made you react in a negative way causing your behavior to go out and do the wrong thing.
Example Two: The Detective
Let's say you're a Detective and you are having difficulty gathering intelligence and evidence to catch a killer right someones planted in your mind a thought right and they hand you over something so your thought which was the wrong thought leads you to react in a way making you behave in a way which leads you to a dead end you because of your behavior and thoughts in your mind and the way you reacted has now let the victim rot away like a skeleton and the killer has gotten away with murder. Because you behaved in a way which was caused by a thought the way you were thinking. So what you need to do is to firstly evaluate the whole scenario before jumping to conclusions to allow you to behave in a manner which will get you the intelligence, the correct information and evidence to make an arrest.
The both of you are running around in circles the detective is flashing badges at people reading emails getting confused and the bad guy is in hiding trying to fish for information you
So my point is this is happening to you because of the way you behaved in the first place this is why this crap is happening in your life.
Example Three: The Man/The Woman
Let's say you cheated on someone or someone cheated on you let's say you love your wife but your not totally happy right so you go and have an affair you sneak around and later on she finds out or something happens and she is angry and upset and it causes problems. So something in your mind a thought which made you react in a way which caused you to behave that way maybe you weren't totally satisfied in the marriage something missing or other so instead of making you do those things behaving that way sit down with your wife/partner/girlfriend and TALK TALK TALK TALK COMPROMISE and then kiss and make-up.
So my point being why do I go sleeping around all the time what's wrong with me? Your behavior made you this way so change your thinking and behave in a way that won't bring crap into your lives.
The way we behave might lead us down a path of chaos and destruction possibly causing harm to us and/or making us lose things we worked so hard for. It could change us and turn us into someone we don't really want to be we behave in ways because of the following:
1 We might be bored and go out and do something.
2 We could be getting forced to do something and aren't in control of the situation.
3 We are frustrated because we are not getting what we want so we could go out and do something stupid.
Chapter 3: Your Emotions
How To Handle Emotions
Dealing With Feelings
How do you feel today? Are you feeling stressed? worried? angry? frustrated? happy? sad? excited? good? bad? Today I'm talking about emotions and how our thoughts can make our emotions change. Our thinking/thoughts can make our emotions react in a situation makes us have a "feeling" these emotions can make us doing things. And when this happens we could go and do something we might later regret these actions could then make us cause problems for ourselves and others.
Everyone wants to be happy and have great lives more good times than bad but the reality is that things do happen. Its up to you to deal with your own feelings people aren't always going to feel the same and that is a fact you can try to influence them and argue, debate and negotiate but there might still be conflict and this might never stop. Where ever we go and what we do our feelings/emotions are in control of our actions because what we think/thought/react causes emotions/feelings which might be hard to deal with for the weak you might go and get depressed for the strong you might go out and fight.
If you're feeling good and people around you might be feeling sad or miserable and you try to block it out because you don't want to go down that path and feel sad or depressed. Whether you're at work or out anywhere peoples feelings/emotions can get in the way of your own happiness so its important to look after yourself first before you go out and look after someone else. Caring about other peoples feelings is also necessary if people feel differently about something respect that and live with it you feel how you want to feel and they feel what they want to. You cannot force someone to feel like you feel so this is what we live with in our lives the human mind controls thoughts and thinking our body then reacts we then have a feeling/emotion.
When you love someone you feel happy, your life is filled with joy, you feel warm, you want to show them affection and hold them, you want to kiss them and your feelings are strong that your heart beats so fast. Your thoughts in your head are thinking wonderful things. Your feelings/emotions are going up and up everything is going great and you have nothing to worry about you're satisfied and feel good.
When you feel sad you might feel sad, feeling down, wanting to cry, hide and run away thinking thoughts of bad things worrying, stressing, contemplating making some stupid decisions and choices. Your mind is not thinking straight because of t his event that has taken in your life that you feel like giving up. Life feels as though its getting worse and feel as though there's no way out. You want to be happy but this sad thing won't go away.
Mixed feelings
Sometimes you feel happy but something bad happens or sad and its put you in a state where you just want everything to be good but you have to you need to you're forced to deal with the bad/sad thing. There's no way out because everywhere you go its going to follow you its glued to you its stuck its there permanently its there forever. You want it to go away but it won't the reality is sooner or later eventually you will have to face it this is what you need to do to then move forward. Because it will always be around you when people talk about it, write about it, speak about it and/or if the people around you are in a sad mood their negative/sad feeling will make you feel sad to block out the sad/negative energy which surrounds you.
Sometimes our feelings can and cannot be controlled depending on sort of person you are and/or depending on the situation that you're in. Each person might have different feelings and so they might be thinking very different to you,they may be having thoughts totally opposite you just when you think you're in control of a situation its possible you're not sometimes we're not in control of things so the human mind that give us thoughts what we think makes us react so when then go out and our behavior leads us to what we say and what are actions are.
The Criminal:
"I feel like crap they are going to get evidence I'm screwed I feel so worried and upset I'm in trouble. I feel so stressed about this whole thing I can't sleep properly I feel down and I feel miserable."
The Detective:
"I feel good.......I'm so happy I can't stop