normally occur in the course of chronic diseases (such as hypertension or arteriosclerosis).
I have already described the eight most important causes of diseases in my books that have been published so far (see bibliography, no. 49) You will find here the top important cause of diseases in this book as well as a very effective “prescription” for your health.
Presenting the backgrounds in the most commonly understandable way is very important to me. However, for the sake of scientific foundation, it is unavoidable that the text will also include a number of medical terms. The most important terminology is explained in the appendix. You will, however, be able to understand the basic statements of the book even if you are not familiar with every single term.
Part I
Why nutrition causes
Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.
Hippocrates, the father of medicine (approx. 460–370 BC)
Then God said, “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with a seed in it. They will be yours for food.
From the book of Genesis 1:294
Hence the human is, above all, a continued nutritional process … Perhaps one day a scientist will discover how to make significant people out of regular children just the way the bees convert a random grub to a queen only by giving them special food, which they know how to prepare.
Alexis Carrel, Nobel Prize winner
Most of the foods we consume today are, from a genetic perspective, not meant to be eaten by humans. While they give us energy, they lead to illnesses after years or decades of malnutrition. Due to an unfitting diet, our intestine can even produce highly toxic substances that are even more harmful than environmental toxins. (Especially ammonia or ptomaines should be mentioned here.) An inappropriate diet, this includes many of the so-called healthy diets (I will explain later on in the book), is jointly responsible for almost 70 % of all diseases, including cancer and heart attack. The German Nutrition Society (DGE) commented on the “results of the nutritional report of the DGE in 2004” (1/18/2005): “Cardiovascular diseases with 47.3 % and malignant tumors with 25.1% continue to be the most common causes of death in Germany … Excluding all mortalities associated with smoking then the illnesses where nutrition is a contributory cause are responsible for more than two thirds of all causes of death. The causes of death related to a false diet and lifestyle can be reduced with a balanced nutrition and regular physical exercise.”
Research of the past years has proven that all chronic diseases, which also include the “widespread diseases”, are mainly caused by the following two factors:
• Malnutrition and lack of micronutrients
• Harmful factors (poisons, also included in foods, and artificial radiation; for further information see bibliography, no. 49)
A third complex of causes could be attributed to psychological factors that in turn contribute to a wrong choice of diet and reduced exercise and as a consequence to the propagation of widespread diseases.
The sickening effect of malnutrition is not due to “overeating” but rather to an insufficient supply of micronutrients. Micronutrients are not nutrients that contain an energy value (such as fat, protein, carbohydrates), but they are indispensable for a healthy life as well as for reproductive purposes.
These do not only include the known vitamins but also vitaminoids (e.g. co-enzyme Q1, Q10, carnitine, alpha-lipoic acid, taurine, glutathion), trace elements (such as molybdenum, chromium, selenium, manganese, iodide, zinc, boron, vanadium, lithium, germanium, strontium), living raw enzymes, thousands of vegetable molecules (often called secondary plant compounds), vital polyunsaturated cis-fatty acids, genetic material (RNA and DNA) and certain types of sugar (such as ribose), that do not contain an energy value (calories). The positive effect of micronutrients has partly been discovered and researched only recently (vegetable dyes, polyphenols, phenolic acids, salvestrols, oligomers, procyanides, microRNA). The influence of countless other substances contained in natural foods on humans is, up to this day, still unknown.
The malnutrition addressed here also significantly promotes the sickening effect of pollutants. The consequence: Our diet plays the biggest role in the occurrence of diseases – but also in curing such afflictions or vibrant health. This is what this book is about.
The body of man is composed of what he eats
The human body consists of quadrillions of single cells and the space in between those cells (the cell interstices, mostly connective tissue). The cells, the blood and the cell interstices consist of precisely the building molecules that are supplied by the diet. A cell membrane, for example, the outer shell of the cell, consists of fatty acids. Now, if the diet consists only of rancid or toxic trans-fatty acids, then these are included into the cell membranes and significantly disturb the functions of the cells for a long time, often for months or even years. They cannot produce as much “bioenergy” and are no longer flexible. Our cells may also contain the cellular poison acrylamide which is supplied by acrylamide polluted foods or arises due to high blood sugar values as measured as HbA1c. The human body also absorbs a lot of undesirable heavy metals or chemical toxins from food.
These undesirable substances strongly disturb the metabolic processes of the cells and hence those of the organs and the entire body. They are a major cause of diseases. The quantity of these chemicals and heavy metals that are often stored in the body for a very long time, if not for a lifetime, directly depends on the nutrition and lifestyle.
People that mostly eat foods from controlled organic agricultivation or wild harvesting and reduce their consumption of animal products, present with significantly fewer harmful substances in their bodies. (However, this does not apply to products that only bear the organic certification of the European Union.) In contrast the bodies of people whose nutrition mainly consists of conventionally produced food and animal products present with a toxic load that is many times higher. These chemical substances not only deposit themselves in the body but also negatively affect the intestinal flora.
Are organic foods healthier?
On average, a person consumes about 30 tons of food and 50 tons of beverages in a lifetime. With this, we probably also ingest many pounds of harmful substances. Many of the toxins that we can detect in our body tissues originate from our food. Here we can very successfully intervene: it has been extensively proven that organically cultivated food contains significantly fewer toxins than conventional nutrition.
The reason: organic cultivation prohibits the use of artificial chemicals such as insecticides (kills insects), fungicides (kills fungus), herbicides (kills weeds), phosphate fertilizer (contains extremely toxic uranium) and artificial nitrogen fertilizer (contains poisonous cadmium). Gene manipulated vegetable foods (GMO) that are of very high risk to the health are also banned in organic farming. The quality of the soil is also significantly higher due to the amount of the humus producing earthworms and microorganisms that live within the earth. Organic farming also ensures that our drinking water is less polluted by residues of phosphate fertilizer and pesticides.
Next to their relatively low level of pollution, organic foods also present with an increased amount of health-promoting micronutrients. This is because the plants have to defend themselves against insects and pathogens (such as plant fungi) due to the absence of pesticides. They have to defend themselves as the chemicals aren’t doing it for them. And these vegetable antibodies that are predominantly formed in organic foods are very beneficial to our health. As an example, you can take a large group of polyphenols that activate our “longevity genes” (sirtuin-genes) and in animal testing proved to increase the healthy lifespan by up to 150 %. The cancer-destroying salvestrols are also found in organic foods in higher amounts. The positive effects of real