Andrea Vacca

Hydraulic Fluid Power

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losses can be found in the book of Idelchik [31].

      In most cases, the minor loss term hminor is proportional to the term v2.

      The generalized Bernoulli's law (Eq. (3.25)) can be written differently to break down the energy losses into three different contributions:

      (3.35)h Subscript l Baseline almost-equals StartFraction p 1 minus p 2 Over rho EndFraction

      In hydraulic systems, the head loss term hl (= hmajor + hminor) relates to a pressure loss.

      Equations (3.25), (3.29) (major losses), and (3.32) (minor losses) highlight how the pressure drop due to frictional losses across a hydraulic element or a section of a pipe is proportional to v2, for turbulent conditions:

      (3.37)normal upper Delta p proportional-to upper Q squared

      At this point, the reader should notice one major difference between the hydraulic and electrical resistances. In fact, in the hydraulic domain, the law is quadratic, while in the electrical one (Ohm's law), it is linear. This is because of the turbulent flow condition. The hydraulic–electrical analogy is completely accurate only for laminar flow conditions:

      The hydraulic resistance expresses the relation between flow rate Q and pressure drop Δp across a hydraulic element. For laminar flow conditions, the hydraulic resistance Rlam is a constant of proportionality between Q and Δp. In the more common case of turbulent conditions, the hydraulic resistance is a coefficient between Q2 and Δp.

Graph depicts the resistance across a hydraulic check valve.

      The linear hydraulic resistance (Rlin) can be calculated as
