Thomas Pedersen

When Culture Becomes Politics

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in meaning caused by individual choices and actions. This of course prompts the question, how the incessant struggle for authenticity and the realisation of projects on the part of both individuals and cultures can be reconciled with mutual recognition, social communication and indeed societal stability. It would seem that Sartre’s theory of freedom is compatible with the idea of a “private language”, a notion rejected by i.a. Wittgenstein. In this debate Sartre would seem to have the stronger argument, since it is not evident that all language is social. It is true that acquiring a language involves a social dimension; but the evolution of language would appear not always to be a social process. Indeed, some of the problems in contemporary Western societies might be related to growing fragmentation in patterns of meaning as a result of human beings having become more aware of their innate, expressive freedom.

      This then leaves us with four axiomatic positions as regards the nature of Political Man.

      Table 2.1

      Axiomatic positions in political science

Conception of Political Man/OntologyRationalRational and non-rational
StructureMarxism Neo-DarwinismSociological institutionalism Social constructivism
Human agencyRational choice Liberal theoryPost-modernism Integrism

      Obviously, to use the concept of Political Man implies that there are universal laws and universal phenomena in political science. I take this to be the case but only in a limited sense. Human beings display certain common features, such as the pursuit of liberty, autonomy and cultural expression, which affect political life as well. It is therefore possible