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Anterior Skull Base Tumors

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of contrast agent improves the differentiation between mucus and tumor (compare c to d) and improves the detection of the mucosa (white dotted arrows in d, e), the association of T1W “coupled” to fat saturation (e) amplifies enhancement of the periorbita (black curved arrows in e). ion, infraorbital nerve.

      Malignant Tumors Arising in the Maxillary Sinus

      Olfactory Neuroblastoma



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      TNM Classification

      The checklist outlined contains more detailed information than what is required to determine the T category according to the AJCC TNM classification. Hence, additional data are provided to the members of the multidisciplinary team who are involved in the process of selecting the most appropriate treatment planning. Information regarding regional and distant metastases, which are crucial, are usually easily inferable from different imaging studies (ultrasound, CT of the neck, PET-CT), and thus translatable in a synthetic classification. For all these reasons, reporting of TNM in radiological reports is not indispensable.


      The radiologist who has to evaluate a neoplasm with a potential involvement of the ASB should carry “hand luggage” containing four different epistemic compartments. The first box contains the knowledge of the technical solutions available and the specific strengths/weaknesses of different imaging techniques. For example, even if MRI is superior to CT in solving several of the points delineated in the checklist for local staging, the integration of MRI and CT is advantageous, especially in challenging cases. For neck nodal staging, CT is frequently used. However, ultrasound can adequately evaluate the neck and permits sampling of suspicious nodes with ultrasound-guided FNAC. PET-CT has the greatest sensitivity in detecting distant spread for