Urantia Foundation

The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition

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(1262.10)eventuated, of the absonite, 115:4.5 (1264.4)eventuating, of transcended time-space values, 0:9.1 (12.4)in the evolution of statehood, twelve, 71:8.0 (806.14–807.11)of existence of the universe, the three, 105:7.15 (1160.13)experiential, of supremacy, unrevealed realities beyond, 104:4.45 (1150.12)of experiential supremacy, the three, 105:6.2 (1159.2)the finite, dimensional phenomena of personality realizable as three on, 112:1.9 (1226.13)dominance of spirit an evolutionary experience on, 116:6.8 (1276.1)function of the infinite triodities on the, 115:4.3 (1264.2), 115:7.4 (1266.5)a level of subabsolute reality, 0:4.8 (7.6)mortal man limited to, 10:4.6 (112.9)mortal man’s free will relatively final on the, 118:6.4 (1299.7)view of the Trinity and totality determined by his existence on, 10:7.2 (115.4)potential of group associations even beyond the, 106:3.4 (1166.2)of the seven superuniverses, operation of causation on, 118:4.4 (1298.4)transformation of potentials to actuals on the, 115:4.1 (1263.7)unification of universal reality on, in the Supreme Being, 103:7.3 (1138.1)of finite reality, the three functioning, 12:8.9 (140.5)see also Finitefirst, of experiential deity, coordinated in the evolving Supreme Being, 56:5.3 (640.7)of functional activity of the universe, 106:0.2 (1162.2)functionality of the Trinity on all (total), 115:5.2 (1265.1)of functioning of the Absolute Trinity, 0:12.7 (16.4)of God the Sevenfold, 17:8.8 (206.3), 55:3.12 (626.1), 56:6.5 (641.6), 116:2.4 (1270.1)grand universe, of unifying Deity revelation in time and space, God the Sevenfold, 0:2.16 (4.10)Universal Censors functional on all, 19:4.3 (218.1)Havona, of existential-experiental relationships, divinity neither perfect nor imperfect on, 0:1.18 (3.5)of human progression, the seven, difficult to define, 110:6.7 (1210.2)impersonal, disclosure of divinity on, 0:1.17 (3.4)of incomplete finites, 106:0.3 (1162.3)of the infinite, the moment of the present contains all past and future on, 118:1.9 (1296.1)of infinity, absoluteness of, 1:3.5 (25.5)description, 106:0.9 (1163.3)of intellectual response, twelve, of secondary midwayers, 38:9.7 (424.7)of life production and evolution, the three, 65:0.2 (730.2)of living, the two, and Jesus’ warning of conflict during transition, 159:3.7 (1766.3)material, association of, with spirit level, mind the sole agent of, 12:6.3 (136.1)consciousness not inherent in, 9:4.2 (102.2)disclosure of imperfection on the, means of, 130:4.11 (1435.3)of human experience, souls not functional of themselves on the, 111:3.2 (1219.1)integration of, with the spiritual level, by the Conjoint Actor, 115:3.14 (1263.1)of law, functions of, vs. mind level, 101:10.3 (1116.4)man subject to nature on, 111:6.2 (1222.1)motivation of, by the agencies of the Third Source and Center, 9:3.8 (101.8)of nature, transcended by the phenomenon of man’s life, 195:7.9 (2079.4)patterns of reality occupy space on, 118:3.7 (1297.8)of time-space personality manifestation, Jesus’ triumph over, 134:8.5 (1493.4)see also Materialof maximum finites, 106:0.4 (1162.4)of melodious association, the seven, 44:1.11 (500.2)mind, evolutionary, 65:7.0 (738.4–739.4)of mind, the higher, spirit-energy divergence not found on, 9:6.7 (104.5)see also Mind(s)morontia, see Morontiaof mortal wisdom, the seven ascending, 71:7.5 (806.5)nonexistential, no substitute for experience on, 108:0.2 (1185.2)of other-personalization, and Deity on the supercreative level of God the Absolute, 0:2.18 (4.12)outer space, see Outer space, levelsof portrayal of the Trinity of Trinities, 106:8.3 (1170.6)the first, 106:8.8 (1170.6)the second, 106:8.13 (1171.6)the third, 106:8.21 (1172.6)postfinaliter, of the absonite, transcendental discovery of the Ultimate attempted on, 101:6.15 (1113.4)of power-personality manifestation, and the post-Havona Trinities, 0:12.1 (15.7)unification of the universe expressed as the Supreme Being, 118:9.4 (1303.5)or psychic circles of human growth, the seven, 110:6.12 (1210.7)of reality, the absolute, 0:1.13 (2.13)the absonite, 0:1.12 (2.12)the finite, 0:1.11 (2.11)nondifferentiation between the various, by Brahmanic philosophy, 94:3.8 (1031.1)space potency not a, 11:8.8 (126.4)synthesis of things, meanings, and values on ascending, 106:0.19 (1163.13)and the triumph of higher-level personality, 2:3.5 (37.3)of reality realization, the three, 5:5.11 (69.6)of the realization of values, the four, permeability of, by religion, 5:5.2 (68.5)the second, of creative self-realization, signified by the actualization of Ultimate Deity, 0:9.1 (12.4)the second experiental, of unifying Deity manifestation, God the Ultimate, 0:2.17 (4.11)space, see Space—;Levelsspirit, of cosmic reality, motivated by the Eternal Son, 6:4.1 (76.1)of existence, and need for a different definition of mind, 6:6.1 (78.4)final, the human soul’s achievement of, result, 132:2.6 (1458.3)progression to, sometimes a prerequisite for answers to prayer, 168:4.7 (1848.7)of spirit development, lower, nature of moral choosing on, 132:2.10 (1458.7)humor, three, 48:4.4 (547.7)see also Spirit(s)subabsolute, differentiation of two, from the Paradise-Havona level, 56:5.2 (640.6)revelation of the triodities on, in the Supreme Being, 106:2.8 (1165.5)Seven Master Spirits are one with the Conjoint Creator on, 16:2.5 (186.4), 106:2.8 (1165.5)the three Absolutes of potentiality nonfunctional on, 115:3.13 (1262.10)totality dimension of personality experienced as fact on, 112:1.9 (1226.13)subinfinite, functional differentiation of the Absolutes on, 0:11.15 (15.5)primacy of the Father not apparent on, 0:3.25 (6.5)three Absolutes on, 56:9.1 (644.3)supercreature, techniques of unification of Deity and Paradise derivatives on, 105:4.9 (1157.10)superfinite, the sometime attempt of space pilgrims to find God on, 14:6.41 (163.3)superinfinite, sources of triune qualities of divinity on, 117:1.7 (1279.5)supermaterial, of reality, Deity characterized by unity on, 0:1.2 (2.2)of universe consciousness, experience of spirit-endowed beings on, 180:5.3 (1949.5)supertime, ability of the Supreme to forecast his presence on, 117:7.6 (1291.10)superultimate, of absolute Deity, probably unattainable by finaliters, 10:8.7 (116.8)third, of unifying Deity expression and expansion, God the Absolute, 0:2.18 (4.12)of time cognizance, the three, 12:5.6 (135.5)time-eternity, functional realization of Deity on, 0:11.14 (15.4)totality or sixth reality, equivalation of five-adjutant mind to, 46:7.5 (528.3)transcendental, of Deity-likeness, 130:7.8 (1439.6)manifold agencies of the, 118:4.6 (1298.6)a superfinite level, 106:0.5 (1162.5)ten realities associated with the, 105:7.4 (1160.2)and the Trinity Ultimate, 106:3.5 (1166.3)truth of the endlessness of the quest for God on, 106:7.5 (1169.4)the Ultimate as super-Supreme projected on the, 105:7.3 (1160.1)of ultimate universe significance, 21:6.3 (242.2)see also Transcendental(s)of Trinity identification, maximum, and the Supreme, 117:1.3 (1279.1)ultimate, approach to Deity on, by future orders of beings, 56:7.8 (643.2)a level of master universe significance, 106:0.6 (1162.6)of personality activity, transcendentalers existent on four, 30:1.93 (333.1)of the triunities, not known to man, 104:4.45 (1150.12)of Ultimate Deity, results for participating personalities in the actualization of, 106:4.4 (1167.1)of the Ultimate-Absolute, and the future eternal superpersonality, 109:7.5 (1201.6)see also Ultimate(s)universe, differential actualization of reality on, 0:4.1 (6.6)of reality, 106:0.0 (1162.1–1175.1)Seven Master Spirits functional on all, except absolute, 16:4.2 (189.3)of universe activities, other than the realm of mortal ascension, 13:1.17 (146.6), 13:1.19 (146.8)actuality, and the reflectivity phenomenon, 9:7.1 (105.1)reality, seven, pervaded by God’s absoluteness, 4:4.5 (59.1)three, responded to by the cosmic mind, 16:6.5 (192.1)Leviteschanting of Psalms by, at feast of tabernacles, 162:4.4 (1794.3)children of the, singing of, following Jesus’ cleansing of the temple, 173:1.8 (1890.3)priests and, delegation from, to question John the Baptist, 135:6.6 (1502.4)officiating of, at feast of tabernacles, 162:4.4 (1794.3)sunrise procession of, at the feast of tabernacles, 162:4.3 (1794.2)Liaisonbetween material and spiritual, Infinite Spirit’s relation to, 12:6.3 (136.1)directors, functions of, 48:3.11 (546.4)reflectivators of Majeston, unnamed, 15:10.21 (179.8)stabilizers, function of, 48:2.20 (544.3)Liberalcharacter of participation by Material Sons and Daughters in management of Jerusem, 45:5.5 (515.4)concept of personal spiritual freedom, derived by Jesus from Mary, 122:5.4 (1348.4)education, spending a season with reserve corps on Uversa, 30:3.10 (339.7)interpretation of Jewish law, Nazareth a place of, 123:5.7 (1362.8), 123:5.10 (1363.3), 123:5.12 (1363.5), 124:4.8 (1372.5)the Western or Hellenistic, held by Mary, 122:5.11 (1349.7)men and women of means, funding of David Zebedee’s tented city by, 165:4.5 (1821.5)minded are they who know the laws of God, 131:8.6 (1452.4)provisions, supposedly, for emancipation of youths, a factor in collapse of Rome, 71:1.22 (801.10)Liberalismintellectual, taught by Greeks, and political freedom, 195:1.1 (2071.1)spiritual,