by, 64:6.9 (723.8)regions of Canada, surface presence of oldest fossil-bearing stone layer in, 58:7.4 (670.6)of Europe, home of purer Andonites at close of Sangik migrations, 64:7.16 (728.5)retreat of last glacier, time span of completion, 61:7.12 (702.2)rivers, Neanderthalers’ practice of ice fishing in, 64:4.4 (721.2)Semites, absorption of Sumerians into ranks of, 78:8.10 (876.7)shores of the ancient Mediterranean, site of Onagar’s headquarters, 63:6.7 (716.6)and southern races of China, difference in, 79:6.7 (885.4)Suites and Guites, warfare of, on Sumerians, 78:8.10 (876.7)trek of the first human twins, nighttime undertaking of, 63:2.3 (712.3)tribes, an alternate possible host population for Melchizedek’s appearance, 93:5.3 (1018.8)worship of Ishtar by, under the name of Astarte, 95:1.7 (1043.2)tribes of the American red men, nonattainment of statehood by, 71:1.3 (800.5)of green race, absorption of, by yellow and blue races, 64:6.18 (724.8)of the Hebrews, immorality of, denounced by Amos, 97:4.1 (1065.4)white race(s), characteristic restless curiosity of, 79:7.3 (886.4)four stocks encompassed by, 80:9.2 (897.5)low percentage of Adamic blood in, 78:4.1 (871.7)tribes, the legendary hero of, 80:5.4 (893.6)NorthernmostNodites, the descendants of Van’s followers, 77:4.10 (860.5)segment of great space path, position of superuniverse number three on, 15:1.4 (165.3)Northwardencroachment of Silurian seas, effect of, on Europe and North America, 59:3.1 (676.5)expansion of Mediterranean during the Cenozoic, 61:1.12 (694.4)extent of warm southern seas in marine-life era, 59:1.17 (674.3), 60:3.5 (689.4)journey of Syrian Nodites, 77:4.3 (859.6)march of the yellow man in Asia, 79:5.5 (883.6)migration of the first human twins, discovery of fire during, 63:2.5 (712.5)immediate aftermath of their decision to undertake, 63:2.1 (712.1)Life Carriers’ influence on, 62:5.9 (708.7)purpose of, 62:7.3 (710.2)movement of Danubian Andonites, 80:8.4 (897.2)of later Adamites, 78:3.2 (870.5), 78:3.4 (870.7), 80:2.5 (891.1)quest of Adamson and his party, results, 77:5.5 (861.5)NorthwestAfrica, part of Roman Empire, 132:0.3 (1455.3)India, spread of Neanderthalers from, 64:4.1 (720.7)NorthwesternEurope, location of a cultural center of blue men in, 78:1.8 (869.4)migration of some Andite strains into, 80:4.1 (892.4)Indian highlands, location of the Badonan tribe, 64:3.1 (720.2), 64:5.1 (722.2)North America, time of the red man’s entry into, 64:7.18 (728.7)Nostalgiaof Orvonton candidates, 39:1.10 (428.4)Nuclearintegrity, mesotron’s maintenance of, 42:8.4 (479.2)Isle of absolute stability, 14:0.1 (152.1)of Light, a Deity derivative, 0:4.12 (7.10)of Light and Life, 11:0.2 (118.2)matter, associations of, formation of, in open space, 42:4.9 (473.7)Nucleusatomic, maintenance of integrity of, 42:8.3 (479.1)Number(s)Israel, Scriptures’ differing sources of David’s idea to, 142:3.9 (1599.1)of Michael, 136:3.5 (1513.2)no quantitative limitation to, 118:0.11 (1294.11)the people, ancients’ opposition to a census to, 88:1.6 (968.1)Jews’ prejudice against any attempt to, 122:7.1 (1350.3)telephone, nonrelation of, to character of subscriber, 12:9.2 (141.3)see also Those without Name and NumberNunsan order of, Gautama’s wife the founder of, 94:7.6 (1035.6)part of the Tibetan religious hierarchy, 94:10.2 (1038.6)Nurserythe probationary, 47:2.0 (531.5–532.6)system, location of, 45:6.6 (516.4), 47:1.4 (531.2), 47:2.6 (532.4), 47:5.2 (535.6), 49:6.11 (569.6)Nutritionanimal and mortal number of types of, 49:2.25 (563.2)dual, of Material Sons, 51:1.4 (581.1), 76:4.3 (851.1)epoch, the first age of development of mortal races, 50:5.4 (576.7)nonmaterial, of midwayers, 77:8.3 (864.4)
The Urantia Book
The Urantia Book | Index | Definition of Terms | Pronunciation Guide | Adopted Corrections
— Index O —
Oath(s)of allegiance of Adam and Eve, 74:1.4 (828.5)of Creator Michael in accepting initial vicegerent sovereignty, 21:3.12 (238.6)of eternity, Trinity, administration of, by Chief of the Transcendentalers, 31:8.4 (351.1)origin of the, 70:11.3 (797.1)Obadiahidentity and influence of, 97:5.4 (1067.1)ObanOnagar’s headquarters at, 63:6.7 (716.6)Obedienceof celestial host to Jesus’ word, in the raising of Lazarus, 168:2.3 (1846.2)a characteristic of the old way of righteousness, 143:2.4 (1609.5)of the elements to Jesus, Peter’s misunderstanding of, 151:5.6 (1695.2)to established laws, nonfusion phenomena not a failure of, 40:10.3 (452.3)to the Father’s perfection mandate, 26:9.3 (295.1), 37:5.3 (411.1), 56:0.1 (637.1)will, evil as imperfectness of, 148:4.3 (1660.2)of his brothers and sisters, Jesus’ method of securing, 127:4.3 (1401.3)followers, character of Jesus’ obtaining of, 149:2.12 (1672.1)of the Infinite Spirit to the combined wills of the Father and Son, 8:1.7 (91.4)to Jesus, his final question to Matthew and Philip as to their, 192:2.11 (2049.2)of Jesus to death, as recorded in scriptures, 128:1.6 (1408.3)Jesus’ pledge to his parents of, 125:6.11 (1384.7)to a loving father not obtained through fright, 159:3.5 (1766.1)to mandates of superiors, midway creatures can intervene only in, 123:4.7 (1361.7)of mortals to divine leadings, and the function of the Holy Spirit, 34:5.5 (379.5)to the negative rule, vs. the positive one, 140:4.7 (1572.7), 140:10.5 (1585.3)pledge of, by the Divine Minister to the Master Son, 33:3.5 (368.5)promises in return for, a feature of later sets of commandments, 89:1.4 (975.1)Service and, a talk by Jesus, 150:6.1 (1683.3)of the spirit of divinity to creatures’ choosing, 13:4.5 (150.4)to the truth, vs. useless yearning, 155:1.3 (1725.4)vs. veneration of the teacher, 128:4.6 (1413.2)of universe hosts to Jesus’ Personalized Adjuster, 136:5.3 (1516.3)Objective(s)Jesus’ one, 136:9.6 (1522.5)material, Gautama’s teaching about the futility of, 94:8.8 (1036.10)man’s early efforts to realize by prayer, results, 91:1.3 (995.2)of the mortal-survival plan, a future of service, 48:8.3 (558.1)reality, the highest, God, 196:3.21 (2095.5)ideals of, not demonstrable by material means, 103:9.9 (1141.7)isolation from, a limitation in Siddhartha’s gospel, 94:11.6 (1039.5)living faith and, 103:9.5 (1141.3)prayer as contact with, 91:8.11 (1002.3)temporal, vs. transcendent goals, 99:7.2 (1092.6), 100:5.2 (1098.5)universe, the quest for the highest, effect of, on the religionist, 100:6.3 (1100.5)Objectivitytotal, a definition, 196:3.20 (2095.4)Obligation(s)ethical, character of, 54:4.4 (616.3)Jesus’ teaching as to bearing, 159:5.10 (1770.2)to the state, moral myth of the citizen’s, 71:0.2 (800.2)Obsceneappearance of the, in scriptures of religions, 92:2.3 (1004.6)savage natural minded, not, 88:1.7 (968.2)Observer(s)ascending mortals as, in celestial personality corps, 37:10.5 (416.5)Associate Inspectors as, 24:4.1 (268.5)astronomic, human, consequence of perspective of, 12:4.12 (134.1)of Uversa, movement on outer-space levels detected by, 12:4.15