the present edition the different sections have been carefully revised, and the details brought down to the latest possible date.
J. H. F.
The Art of Printing—1. John Gutenberg, 132. William Caxton, 283. The Printing Machine, 32
The Steam Engine—1. The Marquis of Worcester, and his Successors,, 532. James Watt, 63
The Manufacture of Cotton—1. Kay and Hargreaves, 772. Sir Richard Arkwright, 813. Samuel Crompton, 904. Dr. Cartwright, 985. Sir Robert Peel, 104
The Railway and the Locomotive—1. "The Flying Coach," 1112. The Stephensons: Father and Son, 1163. The Growth of Railways, 133
The Lighthouse—1. The Eddystone, 1412. The Bell Rock, 1533. The Skerryvore, 160
Steam Navigation—1. James Symington, 1712. Robert Fulton, 1763. Henry Bell, 1834. Ocean Steamers, 186
Iron Manufacture—Henry Cort, 193
The Electric Telegraph—1. Mr. Cooke, 2012. Professor Wheatstone, 2043. The Submarine Telegraph, 209
The Silk Manufacture—1. John Lombe, 2212. William Lee, 2253. Joseph Marie Jacquard, 227
The Potter's Art—1. Luca Della Robbia, 2372. Bernard Palissy, 2413. Josiah Wedgwood, 250
The Miner's Safety Lamp—1. Sir Humphrey Davy, 2632. George Stephenson's Lamp, 275
Penny Postage—1. Sir Rowland Hill, 2792. New Departments of the Postal System, 292
The Overland Route—1. Lieutenant Waghorn, 2992. The Suez Canal, 309
"A creature he called to wait on his will,
Half iron, half vapour—a dread to behold—
Which evermore panted, and evermore rolled,
And uttered his words a millionfold.
Forth sprung they in air, down raining in dew,
And men fed upon them, and mighty they grew."
Leigh Hunt, Sword and Pen.