
Defunct. Epic battle of neuralink

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      Epic battle of neuralink


      © meN/Ace, 2021

      ISBN 978-5-0053-6790-7

      Created with Ridero smart publishing system

      AND NOW

      Dyki, Gomeropolo (logical and illogical unification of forms and formlessness, interpretation of a finite, infinite complete representation).

      Final view (relative, sequential world).

      Haste-Vaidah Algorithm (Fawnville1).

      The above strange words are the location of what is happening. It so happened that this location cannot be explained in simple language. In the course of the plot, everything will become clear. In the meantime, there is no need to know about it.

      Different pictures of outer space emerge before us. Bright galaxies, slowly floating at great distances from each other. Blue, like thick clouds, stardust. Purple fog, with red spots, from accumulated matter after the explosion from the collision of black holes. Out of all this, somehow life can arise. Or rather, she didn’t even have to appear. Like the higher intelligence, life has been here for eternity. Simply, not in the representation in which people would like to see. – It is not difficult for us to keep the maximum sequence of possible combinations. – There was a voice of emptiness. – When everything is predetermined, the necessary actions will happen by themselves in all time periods. But only in the final presentation. Infinity is unpredictable. Relativity is unknown to her. But, it can affect the sequence by scaling. These are mirrors, the reflections of which merge with reality. Let’s take a closer look at individual, incomplete frames of reference. They are characterized by such a characteristic as variability. In the universe, variability flows in one direction, in the anti-universe, in the opposite direction, but in neutral it is not. For Gomeropolo, any subsystem, for example, such a combination as the Earth, in the Cellory galaxy, is the site of all stages of variability. It can have any sequence, but lead to the same result and vice versa. Variation can be directed forward, backward, or stopped. Also, speed up, slow down or ignore. Let’s speed it up, for fun, by implementing some components.

      Earth (a copy of Earth from the Milky Way), the Cellory galaxy

      Eruption of the Toba volcano, 75,000 BC

      In ancient times, the Earth’s flora and fauna was significantly different from today’s nature. The variety of plants and animals amazed the imagination with its richness and completeness. Unseen organisms lived in all corners of the planet. An old, rotten inconspicuous mushroom with a thick stalk, with a brown, loose and wrinkled hat, has finally collapsed. He was eaten by worms crawling out of small holes on all sides. It seems worth touching it, and it just crumbles. Large blue fern leaves sway gently in the wind. Yellow, tall flowers with petals like suckers along the entire stem are ripe for insemination. The red trees, with their curved, cocoa-like fruit, were especially marvelous. Their trunks consisted of intertwining roots stretching from the ground. In the sun, they shimmered in different colors, from red to olive. Is this exactly our planet? Real miracles were happening in the endless glade. Huge balls, made of shining tubes, finely covered with sparkles, roll on air currents. They spread their branches like ship sails against the background of the sea breeze. Like needles, they protrude their fragile sticks in all directions, and, shaking quickly, expand, emitting fluffy feathers. And in the distance, there, beyond the mountain heights, the lands were all the colors of the rainbow. The whole universe fits into this paradise. Thickening, matte, burgundy colors of bushes creeping like snakes. They seemed to be soft bags with ribbed surfaces, dancing in front of the dazzling sun. Huge mushrooms with wide black hats spat up with their spores, launching transparent balls like soap bubbles. Their sponge was not at the bottom, like in existing mushrooms, but at the top. At one point, they were interrupted and, shrinking, as if taking a breath, they repeated their attraction again. Giant, purple flowers similarly pollinated everything in the area. This magic dust was somehow dissolving into the air. And then, the air became cloudy, like on a blazing fire. It looks incredible, especially when the dust settles on the gariocenes. The Gariocene is a half plant, half inorganic substance that continually changes its shape, creating a shape that has never been repeated before. These could be emerald crystals sticking out in bundles from layered pyramids. Fluffy, gray branches with spotted bulbs instead of stems with leaves that resemble neither liquid nor tissue. This world was insanely beautiful. Plants, at the height of their diversity, were the undisputed kings of nature. It is a pity that there was no one to appreciate this beauty. The temperate summer climate, established after the Lapland cold snap, favored the development of animals and insects. But, fate decreed that it could not last long.

      Clouds began to gather over the sky, dense enough lumps, like hard cotton wool. Spreading across the clear blue sky, like blueberry jam in a glass of water, this phenomenon begins to evoke feelings of apprehension, excitement and anxiety. Strange sounds began to be heard from afar. It is a whistle of wind mixed with continuous crackling. Frightened birds, gathered in one common flock, rushed away like a river. Rodents quickly burrow into their burrows, and saber-toothed tigers – Smilodons, while hiding in bewilderment in thickets of thick grass. They do not yet understand what a nightmare awaits them today. Within half an hour, the sky, along the entire horizon, finally turned black. After another ten minutes, slowly circling, ash flakes fell from the sky. They fell in gray flakes of snow, covering everything around with a thick blanket. From that moment on, an eternal night fell in South America. The sun’s rays could not break through the thickness of ash clouds that surrounded the entire planet, after a powerful volcanic eruption on the other side of the Earth. A new ice age has come. An extreme cold snap in history, which seriously influenced the evolution of nature and the animal world in general. There was a bottleneck effect. Over the next year, the population of all land creatures finally became extinct, or reduced to a minimum. People, who had settled on all continents by that time, were forced to migrate to warmer areas, near the equator. A couple of years later, they had to return to their very origins, to Africa, or perish in the barren ice lands. Once lush, heavenly lands have turned into endless cemeteries. Only black fossilized trunks remain of the trees, while the grass and shrubs are completely buried under the ash. By some miracle, only that decrepit mushroom remained intact. Ashes, somehow flew around him. His spores go far underground. They branch off endless webs and go even deeper. These fine villi are everywhere. They filled all the soil for kilometers in depth, and hundreds of kilometers in radius. Although no, thousands! For tens of thousands! Enveloping every grain of sand, and permeating them through and through, they make up a third of all the soil on Earth. But why and why are there so many of them? It turns out that these fibers connect all the mushrooms in the world with each other. Moreover, it connects them in a far from random way. These networks create energy-storing spore nodes that cooperate with each other, just like neurons in animal brains. There, underground, this network is constantly growing. Within herself, she has been exchanging information about the environment for millions of years! She is cultivating herself. Based on the extraordinary complexity of the interaction device of the mushroom network, inside itself, hypothetically, it can already be equated with the higher mind. Then, as a man was nothing more than an adapted predator. Tens of thousands of years have passed since then. Much has changed in the world. The climate has become favorable again. And life, after the thaw, seethed with new colors.

      Jericha, the valley of the Bedubs and the Jewsis.

      Impressive in scale, the military camp had already stood in a dry forest thicket for two days. Wild, virgin lands, free tribes, have not yet known not blood, not suffering, which will soon fall upon them as a merciless hurricane. The pain that people will have to accept, because no one is able to resist the powerful conquerors from the middle east. But, are these aliens really here for the war? Silly question, thought the Jerichan king Nahobar III. Why else bring such a huge army? If their leader is afraid of savages, aggressive tribes, and carnivorous predators, he probably would stay at home. These people are very cunning, and you cannot trust them. There, in the east, there are rumors that their civilization dominates everyone. They sent their spies to us to overthrow