Country, and the Solitudes of Northern Tibet, being a Narrative of Three Years' Travel in Eastern High Asia. By Lieut.-Col. N. Prejevalsky, of the Russian Staff Corps; Mem. of the Imp. Russ. Geog. Soc. Translated by E. Delmar Morgan, F.R.G.S. With Introduction and Notes by Col. H. Yule. With Maps and Illustrations. London, Sampson Low, 1876, 8vo.
—— Tibet … Edited by C. R. Markham. Notice of. (Times, 1876——?)
—— Eastern Persia. Letter. (The Athenaeum, No. 2559, 11th Nov. 1876.)
—— Review of H. Howorth's History of the Mongols, Part I. (The Athenaeum, No. 2560, 18th Nov. 1876, pp. 654–656.) Correspondence. (Ibid. No. 2561, 25th Nov. 1876.)
—— Review of T. E. Gordon's Roof of the World. (The Academy, 15th July, 1876, pp. 49–50.)
1876 Cambodia. (Encycl. Brit. IV. 1876, pp. 723–726.)
1877 Champa. (Geog. Mag., 1st March, 1877, pp. 66–67.)
Article written for the Encycl. Brit. 9th edition, but omitted for reasons which the writer did not clearly understand.
—— Quid, si Mundus evolvatur? (Spectator, 24th March, 1877.)
Written in 1875.—Signed MARCUS PAULUS VENETUS.
—— On Louis de Backer's L'Extrême-Orient au Moyen-Age. (The Athenaeum, No. 2598, 11th Aug. 1877, pp. 174–175.)
—— On P. Dabry de Thiersant's Catholicisme en Chine. (The Athenaeum, No. 2599, 18th Aug. 1877, pp. 209–210.)
—— Review of Thomas de Quincey, His Life and Writings. By H. A. Page. (Times, 27th Aug. 1877.)
—— Companions of Faust. Letter on the Claims of P. Castaldi. (Times, Sept. 1877.)
1878 The late Col. T. G. Montgomerie, R.E. (Bengal). (R. E. Journal, April, 1878.) 8vo, pp. 8.
—— Mr. Henry M. Stanley and the Royal Geographical Society; being the Record of a Protest. By Col. H. Yule and H. M. Hyndman B.A., F.R.G.S. London: Bickers and Son, 1878, 8vo, pp. 48
—— Review of Burma, Past and Present; with Personal Reminiscences of the Country. By Lieut.-Gen. Albert Fytche. (The Athenaeum, No. 2634, 20th April, 1878, pp. 499–500.)
—— Kayal. (The Athenaeum, No. 2634, 20th April, 1878, p. 515.)
Letter dated April, 1878.
—— Missions in Southern India. (Letter to Pall Mall Gazette, 20th June, 1878.)
—— Mr. Stanley and his Letters of 1875. (Letter to Pall Mall Gazette, 30th Jan. 1878.)
—— Review of Richthofen's China, Bd. I. (The Academy, 13th April, 1878, pp. 315–316.)
—— [A foreshadowing of the Phonograph.] (The Athenaeum, No. 2636, 4th May, 1878.)
1879 A Memorial of the Life and Services of Maj.-Gen. W. W. H. Greathed, C.B., Royal Engineers (Bengal), (1826–1878). Compiled by a Friend and Brother Officer. London, printed for private circulation, 1879, 8vo, pp. 57.
—— Review of Gaur: its Ruins and Inscriptions. By John Henry Ravenshaw. (The Athenaeum, No. 2672, 11th Jan. 1879, pp. 42–44.)
—— Wellington College. (Letter to Pall Mall Gazette, 14th April, 1879.)
—— Dr. Holub's Travels. (The Athenaeum, No. 2710, 4th Oct. 1879, pp. 436–437.)
—— Letter to Comm. Berchet, dated 2nd Dec. 1878. (Archivio Veneto XVII. 1879, pp. 360–362.)
Regarding some documents discovered by the Ab. Cav. V. Zanetti.
—— Gaur. (Encyclop. Brit. X. 1879, pp. 112–116.)
—— Ghazni. (Ibid. pp. 559–562.)
—— Gilgit. (Ibid. pp. 596–599.)
—— Singular Coincidences. (The Athenaeum, No. 2719, 6th Dec. 1879.)
1880 [Brief Obituary Notice of] General W. C. Macleod. (Pall Mall Gazette, 10th April, 1880.)
—— [Obituary Notice of] Gen. W. C. Macleod. (Proc. R. Geog. Soc., June, 1880.)
—— An Ode in Brown Pig. Suggested by reading Mr. Lang's Ballades in Blue China. [Signed MARCUS PAULUS VENETUS.] (St. James' Gazette, 17th July, 1880.)
—— Notes on Analogies of Manners between the Indo-Chinese Races and the Races of the Indian Archipelago. By Col. Yule (Journ. Anthrop. Inst. of Great Britain and Ireland, vol. ix., 1880, pp. 290–301.)
—— Sketches of Asia in the Thirteenth Century and of Marco Polo's Travels, delivered at Royal Engineer Institute, 18th Nov. 1880.
[This Lecture, with slight modification, was also delivered on other occasions both before and after. Doubtful if ever fully reported.]
—— Dr. Holub's Collections. (The Athenaeum, No. 2724, 10th Jan. 1880.)
—— Prof. Max Müller's Paper at the Royal Asiatic Society. (The Athenaeum, No. 2731, 28th Feb. 1880, p. 285.)
—— The Temple of Buddha Gaya. (Review of Dr. Rajendralála Mitra's Buddha Gaya.) (Sat. Rev., 27th March, 1870.)
—— Mr. Gladstone and Count Karoiyi. (Letter to The Examiner, 22nd May, 1880, signed TRISTRAM SHANDY.)
1880 Stupa of Barhut. [Review of Cunningham's work.] (Sat. Rev., 5th June, 1880.)
—— From Africa: Southampton, Fifth October, 1880.
[Verses to Sir Bartle Frere.] (Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Nov. 1880.)
—— Review of H. Howorth's History of the Mongols, Part II. (The Athenaeum, No. 2762, 2nd Oct. 1880, pp. 425–427.)
—— Verboten ist, a Rhineland Rhapsody. (Printed for private circulation only.)
—— Hindú-Kúsh. (Encyclop. Brit. XI. 1880, pp. 837–839.)
—— The River of Golden Sand, the Narrative of a Journey through China and Eastern Tibet to Burmah, With Illustrations and ten Maps from Original Surveys. By Capt. W. Gill, Royal Engineers. With an Introductory Essay. By Col. H. Yule, London, John Murray, … 1880, 2 vols. 8vo, pp. 95–420, 11–453;
—— The River of Golden Sand: Being the Narrative of a Journey through China and Eastern Tibet to Burmah. By the late Capt. W. Gill, R.E. Condensed by Edward Colborne Baber, Chinese Secretary to H.M.'s Legation at Peking. Edited, with a Memoir and Introductory Essay, by Col. H. Yule. With Portrait, Map, and Woodcuts. London, John Murray, 1883, 8vo., pp. 141–332.
—— Memoir of Captain W. Gill, R.E., and Introductory Essay as prefixed to the New Edition of the "River of Golden Sand." By Col. H. Yule. London, John Murray, … 1884, 8vo. [Paged 19–141.]
1881 [Notice on William Yule] in Persian Manuscripts in the British Museum. By Sir F. J. Goldsmid. (The Athenaeum, No. 2813, 24th Sept. 1881, pp. 401–403.)
—— Il Beato Odorico di Pordenone, ed i suoi Viaggi: Cenni dettati dal Col. Enrico Yule, quando s'inaugurava in Pordenone il Busto di Odorico il giorno, 23° Settembre, MDCCCLXXXI, 8vo. pp. 8.
—— Hwen T'sang. (Encyclop. Brit. XII. 1881, pp. 418–419.)
—— Ibn Batuta. (Ibid. pp. 607–609.)
—— Kâfiristân. (Ibid. XIII. 1881, pp. 820–823.)
—— Major James Rennell, F.R.S., of the Bengal Engineers. [Reprinted from the Royal Engineers' Journal], 8vo., pp. 16.
(Dated 7th Dec.