Joseph Smith Jr.

The Greatest Writings of Joseph Smith

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To some is given one, and to some is given another, that all may be profited thereby.

      13 To some it is given by the Holy Ghost to know that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and that he was crucified for the sins of the world.

      14 To others it is given to believe on their words, that they also might have eternal life if they continue faithful.

      15 And again, to some it is given by the Holy Ghost to know the differences of administration, as it will be pleasing unto the same Lord, according as the Lord will, suiting his mercies according to the conditions of the children of men.

      16 And again, it is given by the Holy Ghost to some to know the diversities of operations, whether they be of God, that the manifestations of the Spirit may be given to every man to profit withal.

      17 And again, verily I say unto you, to some is given, by the Spirit of God, the word of wisdom.

      18 To another is given the word of knowledge, that all may be taught to be wise and to have knowledge.

      19 And again, to some it is given to have faith to be healed;

      20 And to others it is given to have faith to heal.

      21 And again, to some is given the working of miracles;

      22 And to others it is given to prophesy;

      23 And to others the discerning of spirits.

      24 And again, it is given to some to speak with tongues;

      25 And to another is given the interpretation of tongues.

      26 And all these gifts come from God, for the benefit of the children of God.

      27 And unto the bishop of the church, and unto such as God shall appoint and ordain to watch over the church and to be elders unto the church, are to have it given unto them to discern all those gifts lest there shall be any among you professing and yet be not of God.

      28 And it shall come to pass that he that asketh in Spirit shall receive in Spirit;

      29 That unto some it may be given to have all those gifts, that there may be a head, in order that every member may be profited thereby.

      30 He that asketh in the Spirit asketh according to the will of God; wherefore it is done even as he asketh.

      31 And again, I say unto you, all things must be done in the name of Christ, whatsoever you do in the Spirit;

      32 And ye must give thanks unto God in the Spirit for whatsoever blessing ye are blessed with.

      33 And ye must practise virtue and holiness before me continually. Even so. Amen.

      Revelation through Joseph Smith, Kirtland, Ohio, March 8, 1831.

       Table of Contents

      History of the Church 1:166.

      1 Behold, it is expedient in me that my servant John should write and keep a regular history, and assist you, my servant Joseph, in transcribing all things which shall be given you, until he is called to further duties.

      2 Again, verily I say unto you that he can also lift up his voice in meetings, whenever it shall be expedient.

      3 And again, I say unto you that it shall be appointed unto him to keep the church record and history continually; for Oliver Cowdery I have appointed to another office.

      4 Wherefore, it shall be given him, inasmuch as he is faithful, by the Comforter, to write these things. Even so. Amen.

      Revelation through Joseph Smith to the Church, Kirtland, Ohio, March, 1831.

       Table of Contents

      1 It is necessary that ye should remain for the present time in your places of abode, as it shall be suitable to your circumstances.

      2 And inasmuch as ye have lands, ye shall impart to the eastern brethren;

      3 And inasmuch as ye have not lands, let them buy for the present time in those regions round about, as seemeth them good, for it must needs be necessary that they have places to live for the present time.

      4 It must needs be necessary that ye save all the money that ye can, and that ye obtain all that ye can in righteousness, that in time ye may be enabled to purchase land for an inheritance, even the city.

      5 The place is not yet to be revealed; but after your brethren come from the east there are to be certain men appointed, and to them it shall be given to know the place, or to them it shall be revealed.

      6 And they shall be appointed to purchase the lands, and to make a commencement to lay the foundation of the city; and then shall ye begin to be gathered with your families, every man according to his family, according to his circumstances, and as is appointed to him by the presidency and the bishop of the church, according to the laws and commandments which ye have received, and which ye shall hereafter receive. Even so. Amen.

      Revelation through Joseph Smith to Sidney Rigdon, Parley P. Pratt, and Leman Copley, Kirtland, Ohio, March 1831.

       Table of Contents

      History of the Church 1:167-69.

      1 Hearken unto my word, my servants Sidney, and Parley, and Leman; for behold, verily I say unto you, that I give unto you a commandment that you shall go and preach my gospel which ye have received, even as ye have received it, unto the Shakers.

      2 Behold, I say unto you, that they desire to know the truth in part, but not all, for they are not right before me and must needs repent.

      3 Wherefore, I send you, my servants Sidney and Parley, to preach the gospel unto them.

      4 And my servant Leman shall be ordained unto this work, that he may reason with them, not according to that which he has received of them, but according to that which shall be taught him by you my servants; and by so doing I will bless him, otherwise he shall not prosper.

      5 Thus saith the Lord; for I am God, and have sent mine Only Begotten Son into the world for the redemption of the world, and have decreed that he that receiveth him shall be saved, and he that receiveth him not shall be damned

      6 And they have done unto the Son of Man even as they listed; and he has taken his power on the right hand of his glory, and now reigneth in the heavens, and will reign till he descends on the earth to put all enemies under his feet, which time is nigh at hand

      7 I, the Lord God, have spoken it; but the hour and the day no man knoweth, neither the angels in heaven, nor shall they know until he comes.

      8 Wherefore, I will that all men shall repent, for all are under sin, except those which I have reserved unto myself, holy men that ye know not of.

      9 Wherefore, I say unto you that I have sent unto you mine everlasting covenant, even that which was from the beginning.

      10 And that which I have promised I have so fulfilled, and the nations of the earth shall bow to it; and, if not of themselves, they shall come down, for that which is now exalted of itself shall be laid low of power.

      11 Wherefore, I give unto you a commandment that ye go among this people, and say unto them, like unto mine apostle of old, whose name was Peter: