Almaz Braev

Elitism II. Socialist

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So, that no upstart on behalf of upstarts can jump right into the generals. Soviet elitism, when the son of a general will be a general – this is all a repetition of the habits and traditions of the overthrown nobles. And the usurpation of power among the Russian nobles remained essentially the usurpation of the younger ones. Although the Soviet bureaucrats depicted a new, already Soviet hierarchy of the old style. Until 1991, this usurpation continued. Although the younger liberals have already come, they have taken power and the future is now not from the «Lenin gang», but from the entire Soviet state.

      This did not make their Soviet law any more legitimate in terms of historicism. As we can see, all these socialists, democracies, and other isms are just names for inheritance. And the removal of Lenin’s associates from their inheritance rights is essentially an accelerated transition to the old system – to the patriarchal majorat. The general’s son will be a general. But if we cancel historical materialism for the theory of reflection, then everything becomes clear at once. Plain as day.

      I anticipate the first reaction on this topic as «you fool himself». For too long, the old analysis system has fed hordes of chatterboxes.

      Chapter 2

      These are the rules. Or as the regime matures

      Who, if not Egypt. Egypt flag. Abdel Nasser symbol.

      When a bloodless coup took place in Egypt in July 1952. The coup was carried out by the "Free Officers". King Farouk quickly abdicated and fled to Monaco.

      This was the first anti-monarchist act in the Arab world. Then the coups followed one after another. Morocco declared a republic in 1957, the monarch was deposed, he had just declared independence, and he was immediately overthrown. In Iraq, the "free officers", yes, also free, as in Egypt, also carried out a coup in July, but 6 years after the Egyptian one, in 1958. The Iraqi coup was the most violent of all the coups. Because the royal family and the monarch Faisal himself were shot (In Iraq, the shooting of the elite will become a tradition). Algeria's independence was declared in 1962. Yemen in 1967. In Libya, Idris I was overthrown in 1969. He just didn't come back from the trip. A group of junior officers led by Gaddafi took advantage of this.

      What do the younger sons have to do with it?

      All coups in the former Arab Caliphate were carried out by senior officers. Except for the young Captain Gaddafi in Libya. Naguib, who led the anti-monarchist coup in Egypt, was a general, and Abdel Qasem was a general in Iraq. Only Houari Boumediene of Algeria was a colonel. Why these generals were senior officers? The Arab world is a world of centuries-old tradition and hierarchy. Where there is tradition, there is a hierarchy. Yes, because only the shoulder straps allowed them to turn into senior status. In addition, almost all the senior officers of the Maghreb and the Middle East and the entire republican elite had peasant, therefore not noble, origins. That’s the only reason they’re all junior in the traditional hierarchy. These generals were senior officers in the army but were junior in status in the traditional hierarchy. Perhaps even many of them did not have noble roots. They belonged to the peasant class.

      If you look at all the Arab officers, namely, the officers will solve all issues like, (not in the likeness, but it is), like the traditional military class. If you want to go up the elevators of the former Caliphate, once again, you must wear shoulder straps. The military is still the main caste in the Middle East as if there was no Arab modernization. So strong are the traditional values here. (However, the picture is similar in Latin America. Although economists, lawyers, and other lawyers are actively replacing the military in the field of public administration. Gradually, but surely. Who they are by status in Latin America will have to be watched separately for each country. However, as a rule, in Latin America, the largest group of active military personnel is colonels. This brings them closer not only to the senior officers but also to the eldest sons in the hierarchy of inheritance of privileges, hence the charms of life.


      Since the end of 2011, a wave of orange protests has swept through the Maghreb countries. They were orange because the orange coups sound democratic rhetoric. (In the East? Democratic rhetoric? In the former Arab Caliphate?) The peoples awoke from the long tyranny of the Eastern autocrats. Namely, by name: in Tunisia against Ben Ali (fled to Saudi Arabia after 24 years of rule, then in Algeria against President Bouterflika (he ruled for 12 years, but could have been more, the third term of the rule was not completed just because of the unrest), in Libya against Colonel leader of the Jamahiriya Gaddafi (ruled for almost 43 years, was killed by Islamists), in Egypt against Hosni Mubarak (ruled for 30 years, was put arrested). In Syria, against Bashar al-Assad (the Assad clan has ruled the country for half a century, after the Islamists ' speech, a civil war began, only Putin’s military assistance prevented a coup). Spontaneous riots and regular self-immolations also occurred in Saudi Arabia (King Abdullah promised to distribute money, which paid off, although a coup was unlikely), in Morocco (Mohammed VI promised reforms), in Bahrain (King Hamad also promised payments, pay-off), in Oman, and so on.

      I am not just listing the names of deposed Arab dictators. I confirm after the name the duration of their reign. And this era of rule is no different from medieval «Asian» practices. This suggests that the younger sons, and according to the traditional seniority, they are all younger sons, although all of them are the eldest sons in their families. But these are peasant families! (If we draw a parallel with Romanov’s Russia, these are all the children of the same Russians raznochintsy. These are the Russians Alexeyevs, Kornilovs, and Denikins – generals of low birth who also took part in the overthrow of the Romanovs. They went on a campaign against Moscow under the tricolor. The tricolor is not the flag of the monarchy, but the flag of the republic.

      So, that there are no doubts about the prospects of the Russian Revolution and the future destiny of Russia. If one of the white generals won, Russia would have a dictatorship).

      The fact is that if in the traditional world someone has taken a place beyond their age, this does not mean at all that they have abandoned the «overthrown» rules. Even if this ruler came to power through a coup and at the same time distributed republican or even populist promises to the right and left. The environment will still force him to turn into the subject he has taken over. Of course, he can’t turn into a monarch all at once. But what does it matter how he calls himself, and others lick his ass, the essence of the matter does not change from this.

      That's how all the Arab generals, along with Colonel Gaddafi, began to play socialism. Because socialism is the only justification for their insolence.

      However, socialism is different from socialism. This is not real socialism. So far, we can call it cargo socialism. Because socialism was used voluntarily by people who were completely unsuitable for their status in the traditional environment. No matter how one of the young, conditionally younger sons does not take a conditionally alien place, which the people have determined in advance in their culture (or, more precisely, in their reflection, the collective unconscious means), this ruler is doomed to play a role that is not peculiar to his age. He will turn into the «eldest son», even more so into a dictator in 20—25 years. These are the rules.

      Chapter 3

      The Ouroboros Cycle

      The traditional world develops according to its laws. Marxists and other specialists of the old sociology can only «rest» here. These codes are not for them. From the fact that sociologists and political scientists do not have a new «microscope» of Revcon, everything revolves around the symptoms, which, in turn, every old specialist interprets subjectively, but everyone understands. Because it is stereotypical. We will reject it at once. Imperialism has nothing to do with it. By analogy with the spiral DNA of historical repetitions, Revcon offers mankind a loop-like RNA. Namely: the tradition only looks eternal from the outside. It is also repeated in actions. Tradition is repetition. But traditional people are influenced by world news in terms of more