is related to the reflected port voltage and the reflected port current as follows:
The power entering the ith port is
where the reflection coefficient at the ith port is Γi = bi/ai. The total port voltage and the total port current in term of the power variables can be written as
The reflected port current
The definition of the power wave variables given by the equations are valid for the special cases of the forward wave and reflected waves. The definition, given in equation (3.1.38), is valid for the general case. It is applicable at any port for any kind of termination. The power‐variables ai and bi are complex quantities. The incident and reflected power are
Scattering [S] Matrix
Figure (3.11) shows the N‐port network. The power entering the ith port is given in terms of the forward voltage wave
The incident power at the port is treated as the excitation, and reflected/transmitted power at the port is considered as the response. The network is characterized by the S‐parameters.
Therefore, the matrix elements Sij relating the excitation (
Figure 3.11 N‐port network showing power variables (ai, bi) in terms of voltage variables
The Sij is defined with the help of the matched termination. The matched termination also helps to measure the matrix elements Sij.
Reflection Coefficient Sii
Figure (3.12) shows that the ith port of a multiport network is terminated in a load equal to the characteristic impedance of the port. The power wave bi coming out of the port is incident on the load ZL, whereas the incident power wave ai is the reflected wave from the load. If a port is terminated in its characteristic impedance, i.e. ZL = Z0, then the reflection from the load at the port is zero, i.e. ai = 0. Thus, for the excitation aj applied at the jth port, while all other ports are terminated in their characteristic impedances, the ports have
The reflection coefficient at the jth port is obtained from equation (3.1.40):
Figure 3.12 At the ith port, the load is terminated in port characteristic impedance.
Therefore, Sjj is the reflection coefficient (Γj) at the jth port, provided all other ports are terminated in their characteristic impedances. However, if other ports are not terminated in their characteristic impedances, then Sjj is not a measure of the true reflection coefficient of the network or a device at the jth port. The true reflection coefficient at the jth port, under the unmatched load condition, is more than Sjj that is defined under the matched load condition.
Transmission Coefficient Sij
If the excitation source is connected only to the jth port and the response is seen at the ith port, while all other ports are terminated in their characteristic impedances, it leads to