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Lett., Vol. 17, No. 4, pp. 253–255, March 1998. 7 J.7 Hua, C.; Dogariu, A.; Wang, L.J.: Negative group delay and pulse compression in superluminal pulse propagation, IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electron., Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 52–58, Jan–Feb 2003. 8 J.8 Lai, A.; Caloz, C.; Itoh, T.: Transmission line based metamaterials and their microwave applications, Microwave Mag., Vol. 5, No. 3, pp. 34–50, Sept. 2004. 4 Waves in Material Medium – I: (Waves in Isotropic and Anisotropic Media, Polarization of Waves) Introduction The characteristics of EM‐wave propagating on a planar line are strongly dependent on the nature of the materials used in planar technology. The familiarity with the characteristics of the medium and EM‐wave propagation in the unbounded medium is important to understand the working of the planar transmission lines. These topics are extensively covered in several books [B.1–B.15]. Broadly speaking, the present chapter covers basic electrical characteristics of the material media and the EM‐waves propagation in the unbounded dielectric media – both isotropic and anisotropic. In the first part of the present chapter, and also in chapter 6, attention is paid to the physical processes and the circuit models to understand the electrical properties of the material medium. The electrical and magnetic properties of the materials appear as the responses to the electric and magnetic excitations. Such excitations could be in the form of the circuit sources, such as the voltage and a current source. It could also be in the form of the field sources, such as the electric field intensity (E) and magnetic field intensity (H). The excitation could be any of three forms, namely (i) time‐independent, i.e. the static or DC type; (ii) frequency‐dependent, i.e. the time‐harmonic dependent, or AC (phasor) type; and (iii) arbitrary time‐dependent, i.e. the transient type. The discussion is limited to the static and time‐harmonic type of responses of the materials, i.e. the material response and behavior in the frequency‐domain. Objectives To review the EM‐field quantities and medium parameters. To review the basic electrical properties of media. To obtain elementary circuit models of media. To review Maxwell’s equations. To present the wave equation in the unbounded lossless and lossy isotropic dielectric medium. To review wave polarizations. Jones matrix description of polarization states. To present the wave equation in the unbounded lossless anisotropic dielectric medium. 4.1 Basic Electrical Quantities and Parameters The electrical charge and the electric current are the primary electrical sources for the creation of the electric field and the magnetic field, respectively. The charge, also current (displacement current), is described by the flux field, i.e. the flux density ( 4.1.1 Flux Field and Force Field The electric and magnetic fields are visualized through the line of flux. Thus, the electric charge (Qe) is described by the electric flux (Ψe). The total charge (QT) on a physical body and the corresponding electric flux are related by Gauss’s law: (4.1) If the charge is distributed throughout the volume of a body, in the form of volume charge density ρe, the elemental charge in the volume element dv is ρedv. The flux is further expressed as the electric flux density (D), i.e. the flux per unit area. The flux through the elemental surface area is Gauss’s Law for Electric Flux Total electric flux coming out of a closed surface = Total charge enclosed inside the volume of a closed surface, i.e. (4.1.2) The above expression is the integral form of Gauss’s law. It can be converted to the differential form by using Gauss’s vector integral identity, (4.1.3) Gauss’s Law for Magnetic Flux Similar to the electric charge distribution, the magnetic charge distribution can be assumed in a volume of the body. The magnetic charge density is expressed as ρm. The magnetic charge creates a magnetic flux Ψm. Similar to the case of the electric charge, the elemental magnetic charge in the volume dv is ρmdv, and the elemental magnetic flux coming out of the surface is (4.1.4)