Under such combined dispersion, and nonlinearity, a pulse can propagate without changing its shape. Such robust EM‐waves are called the solitons. The solitons are useful in optical communication. However, the solitons have also been generated in the microwaves frequency range
4.2.5 Non‐lossy and Lossy Medium
All physical dielectric and magnetic material media have some amount of loss. Normally, the substrates used in the microwave planar technology do not have a high loss, except the doped semiconducting substrates. The lossy dielectrics are known as the imperfect dielectrics. The losses in the dielectric and magnetic materials change the relative permittivity and permeability into complex quantities:
The imaginary parts of the relative permittivity and permeability are taken as negative quantities due to our choice of time‐harmonic function ejωt. However,
4.2.6 Static Conductivity of Materials
Figure (4.6a) shows a cylindrical section of the lossy material of conductivity (σ), i.e. resistivity ρ = 1/σ. Its cross‐sectional area and length are A and h, respectively. The lossy material can be modeled as a resistor R, also shown in Fig. (4.6a). The conduction current density Jc flowing through the conductor, due to the free mobile charges, is Jc = Ic/A, where conduction current is Ic = V/R. The electric field intensity in the material is
The above expression (4.2.19b) is Ohm's law for a lossy medium. The following expression of the equivalent resistance of a lossy material, in terms of its resistivity, follows from the above equation (4.2.19c):
In general, the Ohm’s law for the anisotropic medium is written in the vector form as
Figure (4.6a) considers h = Δx length of a cylindrical section of conducting material with a cross‐sectional area ΔA. The free charges move in the direction x with a velocity vx on the application of electric field intensity Ex. The conduction current in the x‐direction is the rate of flow of total charge ΔQe contained in a volume, ΔV = ΔA × Δx.
Figure 4.6 Circuit model, parameters of a dielectric medium.
In the limiting case,
In a material, the charge movement is random due to the scattering and so forth. However, an average motion is assumed, giving the drift of charges in the x‐direction with a drift velocity
where constant μm is called the mobility of a charge. It is noted that μ is also used as a symbol for permeability. On comparing equations (4.2.19b) and (4.2.23b), the following expression for conductivity is obtained:
If N is the number of free charges per unit volume, with charge q on each carrier, the charge density is ρe = Nq. The equation (4.2.24) of the conductivity is changed to
In the case of a conductor, the charge carrier is electron, i.e. q = qe (the electron charge) and μ = μem (electron mobility). However, for a semiconductor, its conductivity σs is due to both electrons and holes leading to the following expression:
where Ne and Nh are numbers of electrons and holes per unit volume. The charges on electron and holes are equal qe = qh = e = 1.6 × 10−19 Coulombs. The electron and hole mobilities, in a semiconductor, are
4.3 Circuit Model of Medium