by equations (4.5.35b) and (4.5.39b). The uniform plane wave in an unbounded conducting medium is still TEM‐type. However, field components Hz and Ey are not in‐phase. These are in‐phase in a dielectric medium shown in Fig. (4.9a). The power transported per unit area, in a conducting medium, in the x‐direction is also given by the following expression:
The power transmitted through the conducting lossy medium is a complex quantity. Its real part gives the power that comes out from the medium of length x, whereas the imaginary part gives stored energy due to the field penetration in the conductor. The input power density available at x = 0 is
The field decreases by a factor e−αx, whereas the wave travels through a lossy medium. If the wave travels a distance x = δ = 1/α, known as the skin depth, the field is decreased by 1/e of its initial strength, i.e. approximately 37% of its initial field strength. However, the power decreases at a faster rate, i.e. by the factor e−2αx. If the initial power density is S0, the power density at distance x is
The attenuation constant α in the above equation is used from equation (4.5.35b). The power loss of wave traveling a distance x is computed after computing the power loss at unit distance x = 1m:
In the above equation, the value of e is 2.71828. The power loss is about 9 dB per skin‐depth. The attenuation constant α of a lossy medium is defined by equation (4.5.44a) as follows:
4.6 Polarization of EM‐waves
The uniform plane wave in the unbounded medium is the TEM‐type wave. The monochromatic EM‐wave is characterized by amplitude, phase, and polarization states. The microwave to optical wave devices can appropriately manipulate these characteristics to steer the EM‐waves in the desired direction with shaped wavefront. The modern metasurfaces, discussed in sections (22.5) and (22.6) of chapter 22, can achieve such controls on the reflected and transmitted waves.
In general, both
Figure (4.9a and c) show that for the EM‐wave propagating in the x‐direction, the tip of the Ey field component moves along the y‐axis from +E0 to 0 to −E0. The movement and rotation of the tip of the
Figure 4.10 Type of polarizations.
4.6.1 Linear Polarization
Figure (4.10a) shows Ey and Ez field components of the EM‐wave propagating in the x‐direction. The E‐electric field vector in the (y‐z)‐plane could be written in the phasor form as follows:
The ejωt time‐harmonic factor is suppressed in the above equation (4.6.1a). Equation (4.6.1b) shows the magnitude of the E‐field, and equation (4.6.1c) computes its inclination with respect to the y‐axis. For y‐polarized wave, E0z = 0, and for the z‐polarized wave, E0y = 0. In general, the field components E0y and E0z are complex quantities. For the in‐phase field components, these are expressed as E0y=|E0y| ejφ and E0z=|E0z| ejφ. The instantaneous field components are considered to trace the movement of the tip of the
In the above equations, both field components have an identical phase (ωt + φ). Figure