Myron B. Allen, III

The Mathematics of Fluid Flow Through Porous Media

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      The mechanics discussed so far cannot distinguish among the various solid and fluid bodies that make up a porous medium. To accommodate mixtures of different types of materials, such as the solid and fluid in a porous medium, we must adopt additional physics.

      2.5.1 Constituents

      Paralleling the development for single continua, for each constituent script upper B Subscript alpha, we fix a reference configuration that assigns, to each particle in script upper B Subscript alpha, a point bold upper X Subscript alpha in three‐dimensional space. The vector bold upper X Subscript alpha serves as a label for the particle. We denote by script upper R Subscript alpha the region in three‐dimensional Euclidean space occupied by all of these vectors for the constituent script upper B Subscript alpha.

      We also associate with each constituent script upper B Subscript alpha a one‐parameter family bold-italic chi Subscript alpha Baseline left-parenthesis dot comma t right-parenthesis of mappings from script upper R Subscript alpha to three‐dimensional Euclidean space such that:

      1 The vector , having dimension L, gives the spatial position of the particle at time , as illustrated in Figure 2.11.

      2 At each time , the function of the coordinate is one‐to‐one, onto, and continuously differentiable with respect to .

      3 Also at each time , has continuously differentiable inverse such that . That is, tells us which particle from constituent occupies the spatial position at time .

      4 For each value of the coordinate , the function is twice continuously differentiable with respect to .

      We call bold-italic chi Subscript alpha the deformation of constituent script upper B Subscript alpha.

Geometric representation of a reference configuration and the deformation at times t1 and t2 for constituent α in a multiconstituent continuum.
for constituent alpha in a multiconstituent continuum.

StartFraction partial-differential bold-italic chi Subscript alpha Baseline Over partial-differential t EndFraction left-parenthesis bold upper X Subscript alpha Baseline comma t right-parenthesis period

      To find the velocity of constituent alpha at a fixed spatial point bold x at time t, we first find the particle bold upper X Subscript alpha Baseline equals bold-italic chi Subscript alpha Superscript negative 1 Baseline left-parenthesis bold x comma t right-parenthesis that occupies bold x at time t, then compute the spatial or Eulerian velocity:

bold v Subscript alpha Baseline left-parenthesis bold x comma t right-parenthesis equals StartFraction partial-differential bold-italic chi Subscript alpha Baseline Over partial-differential t EndFraction left-parenthesis ModifyingBelow bold-italic chi Subscript alpha Superscript negative 1 Baseline left-parenthesis bold x comma t right-parenthesis With presentation form for vertical right-brace Underscript bold upper X Subscript alpha Baseline Endscripts comma t right-parenthesis period

      We associate with each constituent script upper B Subscript alpha a material derivative, which gives the time rate of change following a fixed particle bold upper X Subscript alpha. For functions of left-parenthesis bold upper X Subscript alpha Baseline comma t right-parenthesis, the material derivative is simply the partial derivative with respect