6.2 Variably Saturated Flow 6.3 Two‐fluid Flows 6.4 The Buckley–Leverett Problem 6.5 Viscous Fingering 6.6 Three‐fluid Flows 6.7 Three‐fluid Fractional Flow Analysis
11 7: Flows With Mass Exchange 7.1 General Compositional Equations 7.2 Black‐oil Models 7.3 Compositional Flows in Porous Media 7.4 Fluid‐phase Thermodynamics
12 Appendix A: Dedicated Symbols
13 Appendix B: Useful Curvilinear Coordinates B.1 Polar Coordinates B.2 Cylindrical Coordinates B.3 Spherical Coordinates
14 Appendix C: The Buckingham Pi Theorem C.1 Physical Dimensions and Units C.2 The Buckingham Theorem
15 Appendix D: Surface Integrals D.1 Definition of a Surface Integral D.2 The Stokes Theorem D.3 A Corollary to the Stokes Theorem
16 Bibliography
17 Index
List of Tables
1 Chapter 3Table 3.1 Isotropic, anisotropic, homogeneous, and inhomogeneous permeability...
2 Chapter 7Table 7.1 Phases in a compositional model.Table 7.2 Derived quantities used in compositional modeling.Table 7.3 Partitioning of pseudospecies in a black‐oil model.Table 7.4 Molar quantities used in compositional reservoir modeling.
3 Appendix ATable A.1 Dedicated symbols for physical quantities.
List of Illustrations
1 Chapter 2Figure 2.1 A reference configuration of a body, showing the referential coor...Figure 2.2 The deformation mapping the reference configuration
2 Chapter 3Figure 3.1 Schematic diagram of Darcy's apparatus for measuring water flow t...Figure 3.2 A piece of mathematical surface in a porous medium, in which shad...Figure 3.3 The transfer of momentum away from a solid object moving through ...Figure 3.4 Experimental configuration used to define 1 darcy.Figure 3.5 Schematic diagram of an array of fixed solid in which viscous eff...Figure 3.6 One‐dimensional flow geometry used to motivate the Forchheimer eq...Figure 3.7 Level sets of