Fiona Williams

Social Policy

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requirements of the labour market and, more broadly, to competitiveness in a globalized economy.

      In terms of variety over time, in the UK there were two further waves after the New Right. From 1997 to 2010, a New Labour centre-left version of neoliberal welfare combined social investment and anti-poverty programmes with continuing forms of privatization, deregulation and marketization in public services and with labour market activation and self-responsibilization of welfare citizen-consumers. The third wave came after the North Atlantic Financial Crisis, with a long period of neoliberal austerity welfare embedded by the Conservative–Liberal Democrat Coalition and Conservative governments from 2010, punctuated by the Brexit referendum in 2016 and the re-election of a Conservative majority government in 2019. This imposed fiscal austerity, leading to cuts in public expenditure focused on welfare benefits, housing support and social services (especially social care) and hit the poorest 20 per cent hardest. The undermining of the welfare state was profound (Taylor-Gooby 2013; Hills 2017; Farnsworth and Irving 2015; Bennett 2019). Local authority spending was severely cut, as were spending programmes for schools and prisons, with public-sector pay rises held back. While health care was relatively protected, ‘efficiencies’ in the system meant that services were not able to keep up with demand. The proportionate tax burden was moved towards lower income groups, away from the wealthy and corporations (Ruane and Byrne 2014). By 2017, child and pensioner poverty started to go up for the first time for twenty years (JRF 2017). It remains to be seen at the time of writing how far the Covid-19 pandemic will produce a new wave that either breaks the mould or reinforces it (see chapter 4).

      In explaining this third shift to austerity welfare, many social policy analysts of the UK have noted its force as an economic tool in restoring capital’s power after the financial crisis and as an ideological tool in seeking to transform not only the relationship between the economy, the state and the individual but the very social relations of everyday life (Tyler 2013; Jensen 2018). John Hills’s careful assessment of the first four years of austerity was that its realization in the face of its human damage depended on a ‘welfare myth’ of ‘them and us’ – hard-working taxpayers versus welfare-dependent scroungers (Hills 2017; see also Blythe 2013; and the UN’s special report on Extreme Poverty and Human Rights in the UK, UN 2019).

      Richard Seymour’s study analyses austerity measures in the UK and the US as articulating an economic, political and ideological response to the financial crisis involving the following processes:

       drastic and long-term ‘rebalancing’ of economies away from wages and toward profits;

       growth in the power of financial capital with the accompanying spread of precarity in all areas of life as a disciplinary strategy;

       the recomposition of social classes, with more inequality and more intra-class stratification;

       the takeover of state institutions by corporations;

       the shift from welfare benefits as collective provision to coercive workfare, sanction and penalties;

       a cultural economy that values hierarchy, competitiveness and contempt for the vulnerable. (Seymour 2014: 3–4, paraphrased)

       ‘Crisis’ – a note

      Crisis carries several meanings. It can refer to an existing tension that threatens the status quo. Central to a Marxist understanding is that capitalism sows the seeds of its own destruction in that its profits depend upon intensifying exploitation of its labour force, leaving it vulnerable to their inability or refusal to be further exploited (Marx and Engels 1886). More commonly, crisis can refer to a short-lived acute predicament that leads to a turning point;