Omnec Onec

The Venusian Trilogy / From Venus I Came

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      The Venusian Trilogy

      From Venus I Came

      Autobiography Part 1

      Omnec Onec: The Venusian Trilogy

      Autobiography and Spiritual Essence by Omnec Onec

      Autobiography Part 1 “From Venus I Came”

      Title of the American original edition of part 1: “From Venus I Came”

      Original publisher: Wendelle C. Stevens, Tucson, Arizona

      Copyright© 1991 by Omnec Onec

      More information about Omnec Onec:

      Copyright© 2014 DAS GUTE BUCH Verlagsanstalt, FL-9495 Triesen

      Publisher: G. Kouki Wohlwend

      Visit us on the internet:

      All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means, whether electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without prior written permission of DAS GUTE BUCH Verlagsanstalt.

      Edited by G. Kouki Wohlwend, Anja CR Schaefer, Elisabeth Baer, Crary Brouhard, and Omnec Onec

      Illustration “Journey of Soul” (in Part 1 “From Venus I Came”): Sandra Beck

      eBook creation: Anja CR Schaefer |

      ISBN 978-3-9521219-1-7 (epub)

      ISBN 978-3-9521219-2-4 (mobi)

      Real Love

      Real Love is the energy that flows from the creator and supports all forms of life.

      Without it, nothing can exist.

      Therefore we are all universal beings and not limited to one existence.

      There are no limits to love.

      Omnec Onec



       Preface to the American first edition of „From Venus I Came“ by Wendelle C. Stevens, 1991

       The Journey of Soul through the Levels of Consciousness

      From Venus I Came

      Chapter One: From Venus I Came

      Chapter Two: Laws of The Supreme Deity

      Chapter Three: Tythania Comes of Age

      Chapter Four: My First Years of Life

      Chapter Five: The Venus Plane

      Chapter Six: Teutonia

      Chapter Seven: The Creative Life

      Chapter Eight: Earthward Bound

      Chapter Nine: Brotherhood of Planets

      Chapter Ten: Agam Des

      Chapter Eleven: My Life on Earth Begins

      Chapter Twelve: Resumée: Compared to Venus




      It is a great honor for me to re-publish the revised and compiled edition of Omnec Onec’s books which have been very popular for more than twenty years. And I want to give a warm thank you to Omnec!

      Omnec Onec is a truly exceptional woman who leads a truly exceptional life. Her great charisma is of a kind which is hardly ever found today.

      Sceptics may have nothing but a pitiful smile for her stating “From Venus I Came” in the light of to the commonly known uninhabitability of that planet. However, this is not about the physical planet Venus but about the disclosure of a new but truly ancient world view, which has long fallen into oblivion in our high-tech oriented intellectual society. Yet an increasing number of scientists are slowly discovering that there is some truth in the teachings of the “Ancient Sages” – that our physical existence is not all that exists in the universe and that there are levels of being, both within ourselves and in the outer reality, whose finest vibrations though clearly experienceable can hardly be measured or proved by conventional technology. Thoughts, dreams, near-death experiences – how could they be measured? It would be very helpful if modern science would take a more in-depth look into all those countless reports and references about our multi-dimensional universe. This could lead to a re-alignment of the scientifically designed world view of today’s society.

      Thus, esotericism – the science of introspection – and exotericism – the science of extrospection – could be merged into “mesotericism”, the science of the center. Omnec’s books are closely following these lines. Not only fascinating, very practical and highly successful, her books are also speaking directly to the heart and the innate wisdom of her readers. Her advice allows them to become aware of themselves as a spiritual being, as an individualized expression of a Superior Supreme Whole – as a drop in the infinite Ocean of Love and Mercy, yet an individual drop featuring all attributes of the Whole.

      This sounds challenging and it is! Omnec’s works are not sophisticated or even shrewd literature, no: she writes just as she talks, straightforward, clear and totally down-to-earth, but always based on a deep spiritual knowledge and a great and warm love for all people, all beings, for our planet Earth, for the universe. Her wisdom of the heart is simple but profound, pioneering and practical, and always seasoned with her good sense of humor.

      My special thanks go to Gisela Bongart and Martin Meier from Omega publishing for providing the original texts and to Anja Schaefer who in close collaboration with Omnec put all her enthusiasm and expertise into the rework of the manuscripts.

      The new compiled edition consists of both parts of Omnec‘s autobiography with the titles “From Venus I Came“ and “Angels Don’t Cry“ as well as a third part including the essence of her spiritual message with the new title “My Message“. In simple language, Omnec provides valuable hints and hands-on exercises for the readers to gain a deeper understanding of their own spiritual awareness as Soul.

      May Omnec’s message reach the hearts of all people and thus become a blessing for each individual and for all!

      Baraka Bashad – May the Blessings Be!