white race, known by many people as Aryans, came from Venus. We are the tall “angelic beings” so often spoken of in your UFO contacts. Normally we are seven to eight feet tall, and are well known for our long blond hair and blue or green eyes. Our hands are broad, with long and slender tapering fingers. The outer fingers curve in toward the straight middle finger, making each hand look almost like the flame of a candle. Very noticeable are our unusually high foreheads, large and wideset eyes, and high cheekbones. Our temples are more sunk in than most, and barely visible are small, bony ridges on each side of the forehead, hidden by the way we wear our hair.
A yellow race is from the planet Mars. These are a slender people, small in stature, with golden or dark brown hair and olive to yellow complexion. Their large, slanted eyes are anywhere from grey to dark brown in color. Martians are known for their secretive nature and the futuristic many-leveled elaborate cities we see in science fiction illustrations. The Martian lifewave is not in our physical density either, but corresponds with the astral level. Martians are associated with the histories of the Oriental and ancient Spanish peoples.
A red race came to Earth from the Saturn system, although it first evolved on Mercury. A change in the orbit of Mercury took it closer to the Sun and as living conditions deteriorated, the people migrated to Saturn. Saturnians are known to have red to brown hair and a ruddy complexion, with yellow to green eyes. A tall and stocky people, they are known in our solar system for their athletic nature. The Atlanteans and American Indians are among those who can trace their heritage back to Saturn. The Egyptian and Aztec peoples, among others, were very much influenced by the Saturnians.
A black race evolved in the Jupiter system. These are a tall, royal-looking people with broad faces and square jaws. Their hair is a deep, glistening black, and their eyes are from purple to violet. The Jupiterians are also known for their beautiful voices and open sharing nature of being. Descendents are in Africa and other parts of the world.
In all the centuries of struggle, Earth has never been forgotten or neglected. Compassionate people from the home planets have always been here to help their races. There were times when the people of Earth remembered their true heritage, and visitors from space and those of us who lived here were openly welcomed and known. During the more barbaric times and in recent decades, the extraterrestrials have been more cautious in making their presence known.
During the times of Lemuria and Atlantis, we were recognized for our concern about the spiritual, cultural and technical progress of Earth men. The people of Saturn, for example, were helpful in the rise of Atlantis. In ancient Egypt, a good relationship existed between extraterrestrials and the Pharaohs. Then, as in the time of Atlantis, scientists from other planets brought spiritual and technological knowledge to Earth. Among the engineers constructing the pyramids were people from other planets. Egypts’s surge in culture was due to this influence.
There was no exception during the so-called dark ages of the past, and space travelers were also here during those times, but instead of being seen for what they really were, they were looked upon as Gods. Much of the world’s sacred literature and legends speak of them and their work here on Earth.
The visitors also learned their own lessons in this process. They learned from experience the Earth’s peculiar nature, and how new technology was quickly exploited in the struggle for power and domination, and the disasters that resulted. They became very wary of man on Earth, and as a consequence, refused to share their knowledge freely.
Since this withholding of knowledge began, the civilizations of Earth have been little aware of their true heritage. Spiritual leaders were sent more often, and any technical help was given in small safer doses.
During your biblical times, space people exercised a greater influence over the spiritual growth of Earth men. Many of the prophets and spiritual giants were extraterrestrials. Your Old Testament contains many references to spaceships, heavenly beings coming from the sky, and leaders going off to speak with God. Many other parts of the world also experienced visits by the “Gods from the heavens” bringing spiritual truths to the people.
Never again was technology given freely and completely to Earth. Instead, scientists were infiltrated into societies to secretly help mankind, making sure that the knowledge they brought was not misused. The very same thing is being done today.
Meanwhile, the sciences and technology have experienced a new surge of growth on Earth. Electricity, steel, engines, aircraft, nuclear power, and much more has been re-discovered. Wars continue and become more deadly, and most of the people know nothing of the inspiring kind of life on Earth’s many neighbors in space.
In the late 1940s, UFOs began to be reported in surprising numbers, and many people were amazed to discover that they outmaneuvered and outran man’s most sophisticated aircraft. Governments and military forces around the world were puzzled, but very much interested, and also very quiet.
Few people were at that time aware of the sudden interest in Earth. In their continuing experiments with Radar, scientists had generated radar beams which eventually reached Venus. Monitoring stations there received what seemed at first to be distress signals from Earth. A reply was sent. Experts on Earth of course could not decipher the signals, but they did correctly calculate that the signals came from a near point.
Ships were sent by the Venusians to investigate. What they found was frightening; a planet inventing and exploding ever more powerful nuclear weapons. The last fifty years on Earth has been a time of tremendous technical growth, but at the same time relatively little spiritual growth. It was the same sad pattern we had seen on Atlantis and Lemuria before this. The re-birth of the dreaded atomic sciences became of grave concern to scientists and spiritual leaders of the Brotherhood of Planets. No longer would the problems of Earth be entirely her own. With this awareness of nuclear power, this planet has become a menace to the entire solar system.
Nations of the world began to notice the mysterious UFOs over capital cities, industrial sites, military bases, research centers, and nuclear testing grounds as well. Now there was little doubt that these ships were manned or controlled by a superior technology. Military officials began to worry.
Being mystified was bad enough, but learning the truth about them was worse. Leaders weren’t quite prepared for the shock of learning that advanced human life exists elsewhere. This all came to a head when representatives of the Brotherhood contacted key leaders with enough proof as to who they were. More than one U. S. President has learned the startling truth firsthand! Our messages were ones of advice and persuasion, but never coercion.
Over a number of years, and through many exchanges of views, much was learned about the planets and their people. Our representatives explained that even with our advanced powers, we would not think of interfering in Earth’s affairs. If we wanted to, we could have conquered Earth very easily at any time, but this was not in line with our spiritual belief allowing each individual the freedom to make his own decisions and accept his own experiences.
If a nuclear war were to develop, which imperiled our representatives or our ships, even then we would not interfere. We do not kill, even in self-defense anymore, either as individuals or as a people.
Nuclear power and its dangers were the highlight of these talks. Both the leading powers were advised directly of the danger and futility of such confrontation. Our scientists made it clearly known to top military leaders and to nuclear scientists that to continue their testing would be self-destructive. Instruments aboard our ships and space laboratories, we explained, had detected damages unknown to Earth scientists.
Raised eyebrows and objections came when we turned our attention to political systems. Our own experience has been that the two or three party system causes untold problems, because a large part of the population is always unhappy with what the party in power does, and none have ever been truly benevolent. Corruption, unjust practices, and destructive competition are built right into the system. We stressed that this was not theory, that other planets had the same problems before Earth was colonized.
We pointed out how the daily power struggles are nothing more than destructive, and that quarrels between nations are so often petty children’s games. And that democracy, including representative democracy, really