Omnec Onec

The Venusian Trilogy / From Venus I Came

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      Sooner or later the truth of what I am saying will be demonstrated. Man, as a universal form of life, has evolved on other planets, and in some cases to levels that are spiritually, intellectually, and physically inconceivable to men of Earth.

      The Venusians and our friends in the Brotherhood are compassionate people. We too had a history very much like yours up to the present day. Venus has had its wars and power struggles, the oppression of the poor and the cruelties. Our concern is that Earth is having trouble growing up. The same mistakes are repeated over and over again. Instead of progressing beyond the age of wars, Earth has been arrested at that level for a frighteningly long time, and the situation is getting worse instead of better. A black cloud hangs over the entire planet.

      With good reason our scientists continue to work in giant spaceships high in Earth’s atmosphere, while people from all walks of life continue to live here. We are drawn in compassion for the suffering that Earth’s people are going through.

      A number of us are living on Earth to fulfill our own personal needs for growth, myself included. As the negative planet in our solar system, Earth attracts people who need negative experience as a part of their growth. In the East, people call this need or duty Karma, which fits hand in glove with reincarnation.

      Reincarnation is an accepted fact of life among the people of our Brotherhood of Planets. It is very real, as anyone who lives in an advanced culture knows. Scientifically we have broken through the barrier you call death, thanks to ages of spiritual and technical progress. Every person alive today in the physical universe has lived many times before, but Earth’s people in the West generally do not know it. Keeping reincarnation in mind, it is not really so tragic for us on Earth to be living on a negative planet.

      Negative experiences are only a part of a long period of growth through many lifetimes on many and sometimes different planets. Each personality will be an individual forever, even after he no longer incarnates on Earth or any other place in the worlds of time and space. Soul is the essence of each individual. Consciousness and personality develop through experiences made in each and every life cycle.

      Karma is an invisible law which we all obey, whether we like it or not, or even believe in it. It is known as the law of cause and effect because all that a person does, thinks, or feels has an effect on him. Sometimes the effect, or fruit of his actions, comes years or even lifetimes later, but there is no escaping it.

      The law of Karma governs every circumstance of life until all the debts are paid or collected. It is not determinism, because every moment we are creating fresh Karma and reaping the old. It is a very exacting law, and no one can escape the suffering or happiness he himself has caused.

      One of my reasons for coming to Earth was to balance out some of my Karma. I needed to learn the lesson of compassion, and to tie up some loose ends left behind from my previous lives on Earth. Life on Venus was bliss and I could easily have chosen to stay. But I realized that living out my full life on Venus would only have delayed the inevitable. Eventually I would have been reborn on Earth. As I look back now, I am glad that I made the decision to spend the rest of the days of this life on Earth, despite all the suffering and hardship I have had to live through.

      It is not unusual for our people to come here for this same reason of balancing out Karma. Either they need to settle karmic debts with people living here, with whom they have had relationships in past lives, or they need some kind of negative experience as war or poverty. In our solar system, these experiences are no longer available anywhere else.

      My arrival here as a child was unique and different. Becoming absorbed into a new society is not only tricky but dangerous. An adult who lands on Earth arrives here prepared with training and experience, but I had to be planted into an Earth family without their knowing it. With the resources my people had at their fingertips the plan was a success. I am sure there are families who know of us and who would have offered to raise me, but karmically I was drawn to this one particular family.

      As a youngster I never dared say a word about Venus, not to my family and not to my best friends. Before leaving Venus I was warned over and over how foolish and dangerous that would be. People were not even aware that life existed on Venus. In your movies astronauts always seem to find monsters, evil dictators, and warring empires on other planets, which sounds more like what our ships find on Earth.

      A psychiatrist, I’m sure would have been called in to treat my overripe imagination and “save the poor child from a world of fantasy.” Later in life the explanation would have sounded more sophisticated, if I would have made the mistake of talking. “There is no doubt that she is just a mixed-up kid from the backwoods of Tennessee. Her emotionally painful childhood sent her to seek escape in a dreamworld. Venus is a fantasy land in which to seek comfort, a place to find new meaning in life.” Now that I have begun telling my story, I hear this reaction often. It does not offend me because I know it is due to a limited understanding.

      In the city of Retz I was first told of a chance to live on Earth, as well as working off some of my Karma. I was at some time to fulfill a special mission for our people by breaking the secrecy of my presence and telling of our Brotherhood of Planets. I would be contacted later in my life with more of the details.

      I was chosen to be in this spotlight because the story of our people should not be given only through phenomena in the sky, or landing spaceships on the surface. These can be attacked, explained away to others, or covered up as they almost always have been in the past. Breaking the news should not be too shocking, such as an occupant stepping from a spacecraft in a public gathering. That denies too many the opportunity for free choice and may result in unacceptable cultural shock. Instead, the real story needs to be told by someone who wouldn’t seem like an alien suddenly arriving from space.

      I am not endangering any secret mission by admitting that I was born on Venus. I am not a scientist with any secret knowledge about convoys or magnetic power. Today my mission is to write this biography. It is just a sincere effort to share with you our way of life.

      Because I have spent so much time here, people will find it easier to accept and understand me as a real human being. I can identify very easily with the people of Earth, and they can identify more easily with me. Many of the pains and ordeals I have gone through are the same as those others have experienced in their own lives.

      When I first decided to leave Venus, I looked to my future more as an adventure than anything else. The spiritual Masters in Retz of course warned me not to expect an easy pleasant existence, but the excitement of going to another planet filled my mind. The suffering I had heard about didn’t seem very real to me. We are aware of the pain, the poverty, and the wars on Earth, but these had not been my personal experiences in life. It was much like being an affluent westerner who is little affected by the starvation in Asia because it isn’t his personal experience.

      My life here has been full of adventure and intrigue. But on the other hand it was a rare thing for me to be among people who really cared for or loved me. Coming here meant leaving all that I knew and loved, a life of creativity and peace. After my uncle left me behind in Arkansas and returned to go back home, I was alone, “a stranger in a strange land.”

      I have learned from experience how very real Karma is. My life here has been a giant heap of Karma compressed into this one lifetime so that I shall be done with it forever. If only people knew how surely all their misdeeds will one day meet them face to face, then who in his right mind could knowingly hurt another person? Do unto others only what you would have them do unto you, because everything you do unto others will be done unto you eventually. That is one big