Mary Fulbrook

A History of Germany 1918 - 2020

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century, and actively participated in civic life, shaping and challenging aspects of society and culture. In the early twentieth century increasing numbers of so-called Ostjuden (Eastern Jews) arrived in Germany, seeking better economic and social conditions and escaping pogroms in Eastern Europe. Religious differences among Christians were also of crucial importance: post-Reformation Germany was divided between Catholicism and a variety of forms of Protestantism (both Lutheran and Reformed). While some states – notably Prussia – were of a mixed religious complexion, divisions between Catholic and Protestant communities in many areas were highly salient. These divisions went right through the community: it was quite possible to live one’s life entirely within the framework, for example, of the Catholic church and its political, economic and social institutions: the Catholic Centre party in politics, the Catholic trade unions at the workplace, the reading, cycling and singing clubs when at leisure. Similarly, Protestants and others had their own penumbra of institutions. Political persuasion might be as important as religious confession: the Social Democrats, for example, had a comparable range of organizations and leisure activities, encompassing many aspects of life and helping to define a particular social and cultural milieu. It is difficult to evaluate the implications of these sociocultural environments; some historians have seen them as giving members of those subordinate groups that the architect of Imperial Germany, Bismarck, dubbed ‘enemies of the Empire’ (Reichsfeinde) an accepted place in society, while others have seen more subversive aspects to their varied activities. Then, too, there were those members of society who constituted different ‘under-worlds’: those who fell through the cracks, or resisted all attempts at organization of whatever kind.1

      Politically, the old Prussian aristocracy retained preeminence nationally, through its domination of the largest constituent state of the federal empire – Prussia. The inegalitarian three-class voting system obtaining in Prussia entailed the division of the population of each electoral district into three classes according to the payment of wealth taxes. The minority that were the richest were entitled to one-third of the votes; the moderately wealthy the next one-third; and the large majority that fell into the poorest category were also allotted only one-third of the votes. The double effect of this system not only greatly disadvantaged the propertyless masses but also promoted the political position of the landowning Junker class (who were relatively the wealthiest within the sparsely populated rural constituencies) compared with the very much wealthier urban bourgeoisie. Dominating Prussian politics, the Junkers were then able to play a major role in the Prussian-dominated Reich. It was a role they were to exercise in the context of the autocratic political structure of the German Empire: real power lay not so much with the Parliament or Reichstag as with the emperor, his close circle of advisers, his chancellor, and leaders of the army and the civil service. Influence was exerted on these groups and individuals by the increasingly important pressure groups – many stridently nationalist – that circumvented parliamentary politics in pursuit of their aims. As the German sociologist Max Weber put it, no person with any aspirations to real power would seriously consider becoming a member of Parliament in imperial Germany.

      Bismarck’s complex juggling act among the European powers had been replaced by less stable foreign alliances within Europe, accompanied by imperialist ambitions in the reign of Wilhelm II. The long period of peace within Europe after the Franco–Prussian War of 1870 had, around the turn of the century, increasingly been marked by flashpoints abroad. The growth of the German navy appeared usefully to combine the militaristic values traditionally associated with the landed aristocracy with the economic interests of the bourgeoisie, contributing to the growth of a more strident and expansionist nationalism in some quarters. Germany’s newly acquired colonies abroad were in practice economically and politically relatively insignificant, but the militarist culture and the brutal practices deployed in the suppression of anticolonial revolts in German southwest Africa and east Africa in the first decade of the twentieth century served only to enhance the esteem in which military medals were held among a populace safely distant from any military action. On some views, the acts of brutality and the willingness to contemplate the ‘extermination’ of ‘inferior’ civilian populations played a long-term role in the background to German atrocities in the First and Second World Wars.2 Meanwhile, growing strains between the European powers, accompanied by an arms race amidst an atmosphere of rising tension and expectation of war, contributed to increasing political instability within Europe itself. Although the causes of the First World War, and Germany’s own role in unleashing it, remain controversial, there is little doubt that it was a war that the Emperor and his advisors were at the time only too willing to entertain.3

      Nor were social divisions on the home front in any way ‘healed’ by the brutal demands of economic preparedness for ‘total war’. Industry became more concentrated, with cartels fixing prices and production quantities, but organized labour also became more powerful, since the government and employers had to find ways of avoiding strikes and maximizing production in a war economy and therefore had to treat with the recognized representatives of labour. With the continued expansion of industrial capitalism, the ‘old’ middle classes – the small producers, shopkeepers and traders – found their already declining position ever more threatened. New sections of the population were increasingly politicized: with many men away at the front, and with the large numbers of war casualties, women and young people were drawn into sectors of the economy in which they had not previously worked and gained firsthand experience of union organization, confrontation with employers and notions of ‘class war’. Even those women who were not part of the paid labour market may have become somewhat