Graham Allison, “The Cuban Missile Crisis at 50,” Foreign Affairs 91, no. 4 (July/August 2012), 16.
36 36 Quoted in Prochnau, Once Upon a Distant War, 220.
37 37 Prochnau, Once Upon a Distant War, 143.
38 38 Prochnau, Once Upon a Distant War, 378.
39 39 See Prochnau, Once Upon a Distant War.
40 40 Quoted in Richard Reeves, President Kennedy: Profile of Power (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1993), 636–7.
41 41 Prochnau, Once Upon a Distant War, 454.
42 42 Quoted in Prochnau, Once Upon a Distant War, 405.
43 43 Richard Harwood and Haynes Johnson, Lyndon (New York: Praeger, 1973), 122–3.
44 44 Reeves, President Kennedy, 282.
45 45 Benjamin C. Bradlee, Conversations with Kennedy (New York: W. W. Norton, 1975), 58.
46 46
47 47
48 48 See Guenter Lewy, America in Vietnam (New York: Oxford University Press, 1978), 442–53.
49 49 Michael J. Arlen, Living-Room War (New York: Viking, 1969), 7.
50 50 Arlen, Living-Room War, 83.
51 51 Arlen, Living-Room War, 81–2.
52 52 James H. Willbanks, The Tet Offensive (New York: Columbia University Press, 2007), 30.
53 53 Clifford, Counsel to the President, 479.
54 54 Peter Arnett, Live from the Battlefield (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1994), 256.
55 55 Herbert Y. Schandler, The Unmaking of a President (Princeton University Press, 1977), 81.
56 56 Arnett, Live from the Battlefield, 257.
57 57 Daniel Hallin, The “Uncensored War”: The Media and Vietnam (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1989), 173.
58 58 Hallin, The “Uncensored War,” 53.
59 59 Don Oberdorfer, Tet (New York: Avon, 1971), 264.
60 60
61 61 Quoted in Townsend Hoopes, The Limits of Intervention (New York: David McKay Co., 1969), 140.
62 62 Hoopes, The Limits of Intervention, 156.
63 63
64 64 Quoted in Austin Ranney, Channels of Power (New York: Basic Books, 1983), 134.
65 65 Quoted in Schandler, The Unmaking of a President, 198.
66 66 Braestrup, Big Story, 508.
67 67 Braestrup, Big Story, 468.
68 68 Quoted in John Lewis Gaddis, George F. Kennan: An American Life (New York: Penguin, 2011), 593.
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