Patient-related factors for material selection
1.2.4 Amount and quality of tooth substance
1.2.5 Amount and quality of soft tissues
1.2.6 Occlusal and functional requirements
1.3.2 Conventional vs computer-aided manufacturing techniques
1.3.3 Optical factors influencing the material selection
1.3.4 Monolithic and veneered restorations
1.4.2 Esthetic parameters to be evaluated: step-by-step checklist
1.4.3 Time points for diagnostics, diagnostic tools
1.4.6 Augmented reality in dentistry
1.4.7 Diagnostics for fixed implant-supported restorations, surgical stents
1.5 Decision-making criteria for replacing the missing tooth
1.5.2 An evidence-based approach to treatment planning
1.5.3 Factor 1 – The patient’s perception
1.5.4 Factor 2 – The estimated longevity of the restorations
1.5.5 Factor 3 – The neighboring teeth
1.5.6 Factor 4 – The evaluation of the tooth gap
1.5.7 Factor 5 – The complexity of implant placement
1.5.8 Factor 6 – Assessment of risk factors
1.5.9 Factor 7 – Multiple risk factors
1.5.10 Conclusions
1.5.11 References
1.6 Tooth preparation: current concepts for material selection
1.6.1 Introduction
1.6.2 Minimally invasive preparation techniques
1.6.3 Defect-oriented preparation techniques for posterior teeth: onlays, overlay-veneers, and partial crowns
1.6.4 Conventional crown and fixed dental prosthesis (FDP) preparation technique: the universal tooth preparation
1.6.5 Virtual diagnostics and guided tooth preparation
1.6.6 Resin-bonded fixed dental prosthesis (RBFDP) preparation
1.6.7 Conclusions
1.6.8 References
1.7 Provisional restorations
1.7.1 Introduction
1.7.2 Direct provisionals
1.7.3 Eggshell provisionals
1.7.4 CAD/CAM provisionals
1.7.5 Conclusions
1.7.6 References
1.8 Impression techniques
1.8.1 Introduction
1.8.2 Biological width
1.8.3 Methods for temporary tissue retraction
1.8.4 Conventional impressions
1.8.5 Optical impressions
1.8.6 Conclusion
1.8.7 References
1.9 Material-related cementation procedu res
1.9.1 Introduction
1.9.2 Adhesive cementation of silica-based ceramics (feldspathic ceramics, glass-ceramics)
1.9.3 Adhesive cementation of oxide ceramics (zirconia)
1.9.4 Adhesive cementation of hybrid materials (resin-nano ceramic, resin-infiltrated ceramic network)
1.9.5 Universal silanes/primers and universal resin cements
1.9.6 Conclusions