with the shroud and the information (Paolo Naldini, inscription “super vestimentum meum miserunt sortem”).
6 Angel with the nails (Girolo Lucenti instripcion “Aspicient ad me burned confixerunt”).
7 Angel with the cross (Ercole Ferrara, inscription “Cuius principatus super humerum eius”).
8 Angel with the inscription (Bernini and his son Paolo, today in the church of Sant´Andrea della Fratte). Copy on the Giulio Cartari bridge (inscription “Reegnatvit a ligno deus”).
9 Angel with the sponge (Antonio Giorgetti, inscription “Portaverunt me aceto”).
10 Angel with the Lance (Domenico Guides, inscription “Vulnerasti cor meum”).
11 Only two apostles survive from Bernini’s intervention, Saint Peter and Saint Paul.
Finally Botticelli appears from inside the Castle and invites him to pass, and tells him that it was the Mausoleum of Hadrian in Rome. Exhausted from climbing the endless helical ramp, he tells him that in 403 he joined the Aurelian Wall as a military building. Its current name is due to Pope Gregory I who had a vision of the Archangel Saint Michael on the top of the castle, announcing the end of the plague epidemic that the city experienced. To remember the moment, an angel crowns the Castle. Later it was also used as a fortress and papal residence. He stands in front of one of the fireplaces that has a fresco on the wall from the time that was the palace of several Italian families.
There Jamil takes advantage of to continue the conversation truncated when he abandoned them in front of the Sistine Chapel, they exchange words about their recent trips to Egypt, which he says are merely ministerial and diplomatic, to which Jamil cannot object anything else.
The Cardinal continues to mention the history of the Castle, that in 1277 a fortified corridor of 800 meters long was built, the Passetto, which connects the Castilo de Sant’Angelo with the Vatican.
Anne interrupts. For¿ what reason? He answers that the objective was that the Pope could escape in case of being in danger; due to the continuous sieges they suffered in those ancient times. And it shows her the entrance door to the Passetto. Later, it was also a prison at the time of the inquisition. While accessing the roof, she says that in 1870 it passed into the hands of the State and finally in 1925 it was opened as the Museo Nazionale de Castel Sant’Angelo in the castle.
After showing them the papal rooms of the fourth level and having something hot in the cafeteria, they reach the fifth level where they find the Library or Treasure Room; they pass through the sixth level the Hall of Columns and access the terrace, where they enjoy the views of the city that is almost dark. The Archangel crowns the Castle with the Bell of Mercy.
The Sant’Angelo Bridge looks very nice from there.
Jamil agrees in part with the Cardinal’s statements so they go down, cross the bridge guarded by his angels and get into the cars of the Egyptian security. As they talk about what Cardinal Botticelli hides.
Конец ознакомительного фрагмента.
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