purified, and their structures determined. The proteins that make them up to have been identified, and the genes that code for them identified and sequenced. While many questions remain about how the two photosystems interact and how both energy input to them from the antennas and electron flow between them is regulated, the Z scheme is an essential feature of the modern understanding of photosynthesis.
Of course, there are some types of photosynthetic organisms that contain chlorophyll‐like pigments and exhibit light‐dependent growth, but do not evolve oxygen. We encountered them earlier in our discussion of the van Niel formulation for the redox nature of photosynthesis. These anoxygenic (non‐oxygen evolving) photosynthetic organisms do not display any of the enhancement or red drop effects described above that led to the discovery of two photosystems in oxygen‐evolving organisms, which suggests that they contain only a single type of photosystem. Biochemical and genetic studies confirm that these organisms, which are all bacteria, indeed contain only a single type of photosystem. These simpler photosynthetic organisms have been essential for learning about the basic chemical mechanisms of photosynthesis. These organisms are discussed in detail in Chapter 6. They also provide clues to how the complex two‐photosystem version of photosynthesis found in more advanced organisms may have arisen and evolved. This is discussed in Chapter 12.
3.13 ATP formation
So far, we have focused first on the overall process of photosynthesis and then on the discoveries leading up to the discovery of the series formulation of electron transport in oxygen‐evolving photosynthetic organisms, resulting in the reduction of NADP+ to NADPH. There is another critical part to the story, however, involving the light‐dependent formation of ATP and the subsequent utilization of these two products to reduce CO2 to carbohydrates. The discoveries of these processes paralleled the discoveries of the electron transfer processes.
The discovery that chloroplasts could make ATP in a light‐dependent manner was made in 1954, by Daniel Arnon and coworkers at the University of California, Berkeley (Arnon et al., 1954). The idea that chloroplasts could make ATP, in a process called photophosphorylation, initially met with considerable resistance, because it was well known that mitochondria produced large amounts of ATP and, since chloroplasts in many ways drive the mitochondrial reaction in the opposite direction, this initially seemed backward (Arnon, 1984). An analogous discovery of light‐driven ATP formation in non‐oxygen‐evolving purple bacteria was made by Howard Gest and Martin Kamen (1948). The chemiosmotic hypothesis, the theoretical framework for the mechanism of how photon energy is stored in ATP, was provided by the incisive analysis of Peter Mitchell in the 1960s and 1970s, for which he received the Nobel prize in 1978 (Mitchell, 1979). We will discuss the details of the ATP synthesis process in Chapter 8.
3.14 Carbon fixation
At approximately the same time as Arnon was demonstrating photophosphorylation on one side of the Berkeley campus of the University of California, Melvin Calvin, Andrew Benson, and coworkers were working to understand the details of the carbon assimilation process itself on the other side of the campus (Calvin, 1989; Benson, 2002). They elucidated the chemical reactions that convert CO2 and assimilatory power into carbohydrates. These reactions have become known as the Calvin–Benson cycle, and Calvin was awarded the Nobel Prize for chemistry in 1961 in recognition of the brilliant elucidation of this complex set of reactions. He and his coworkers used the newly developed method of radioactive tracers, injecting algae with 14CO2 and then following the path of the radioactivity in the products (Creager, 2013). We will discuss the details of the Calvin–Benson cycle and other aspects of carbon metabolism in Chapter 9.
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