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1Figure A1.1 Properties of light waves. (a) The wavelength is the distance be...Figure A1.2 Black body emission curves, predicted by Eq. (A1.4). Curves are ...Figure A1.3 Redox measurements to determine electrochemical potentials. (a) ...Figure A1.4 First‐order kinetic decay. (a) Direct plot of concentration of s...Figure A1.5 Parallel first‐order decay processes. (a) Reaction scheme. (b) T...Figure A1.6 Stern–Volmer plot of fluorescence intensity vs. quencher concent...Figure A1.7 Sequential first‐order reactions under three different relative ...Figure A1.8 (a) Activation energy barrier for a chemical reaction. (b) Arrhe...Figure A1.9 (a) Energy level diagram for a simple two‐level system. (b) Stic...Figure A1.10 Potential energy curve for a diatomic molecule. The energy of t...Figure A1.11 Classical and quantum mechanical harmonic oscillator. (a) Diagr...Figure A1.12 Molecular orbital diagram for a typical organic molecule. (a) G...Figure A1.13 Singlet–triplet vector diagram. The singlet state has spins opp...Figure A1.14 Potential energy diagrams and spectra for absorption and fluore...Figure A1.15 Excited state decay pathways. S0 is the ground electronic state...Figure A1.16 Absorption spectroscopy. (a) Derivation of Beer–Lambert law. (b...Figure A1.17 (a) Block diagram of a UV/V is absorption spectrophotometer. (b...Figure A1.18 Results from a flash photolysis experiment. (a) Difference spec...Figure A1.19 Transient absorption (TA) results of the phycobiliproteins from...Figure A1.20 Block diagram of a fluorescence spectrophotometer.Figure A1.21 Excited state redox behavior. (a) Ground state. (b) Excited sta...


      1  Cover Page

      2  Title Page

      3  Copyright Page

      4  Dedication Page

      5  Introduction to the third edition

      6  Acknowledgements

      7  About the companion website

      8  Table of Contents

      9  Begin Reading

      10  Appendix 1 Light, energy, and kinetics

      11  Index

      12  Wiley End User License Agreement


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