William Kinlaw

Asset Allocation

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we describe these steps in detail, it may be useful to review two conditions upon which the application of portfolio theory depends.

      Required Conditions

      For a given time horizon or assuming returns are expressed in continuous units, it is a remarkably robust portfolio formation process, assuming that at least one of two conditions prevails: either investor preferences toward return and risk can be well described by just mean and variance, or returns are approximately elliptically distributed.

      Asset Classes

      1 The composition of an asset class should be stable.

      2 The components of an asset class should be directly investable.

      3 The components of an asset class should be similar to each other.

      4 An asset class should be dissimilar from other asset classes in the portfolio as well as combinations of the other asset classes.

      5 The addition of an asset class to a portfolio should raise its expected utility.

      6 An asset class should not require selection skill to identify managers within the asset class.

      7 An asset class should have capacity to absorb a meaningful fraction of a portfolio cost-effectively.

      Estimating Expected Returns

Asset Classes Equilibrium Returns (%) Views (%) Confidence (%) Expected Returns (%)
US Equities 8.8 8.8
Foreign Developed Market Equities 9.5 9.5
Emerging Market Equities 11.4 11.4
Treasury Bonds 4.1 4.1
US Corporate Bonds 4.9 4.9
Commodities 5.4 7.0 50.0 6.2