17.9 The scope should be positioned to view the top of the intercondy...Figure 17.10 Shaving of the fat pad from proximal to distal is performed unt...Figure 17.11 Cautery of bleeding vessels in the joint can be performed using...Figure 17.12 The egress cannula should be inserted with the stifle positione...Figure 17.13 A flexible fenestrated egress cannula is preferred by some surg...Figure 17.14 (a) Arthroscopic view of the caudal aspect of the medial stifle ...Figure 17.15 A blunt conical obturator is recommended when inserting scope, ...Figure 17.16 Iatrogenic damage to the articular cartilage of the patella (a)Figure 17.17 Iatrogenic cartilage damage occurred in these two patients (a,b...Figure 17.18 Cartilage damage can occur due to instrument manipulation durin...Figure 17.19 Meticulous handling of the arthroscopic instruments combined wi...Figure 17.20 A second lateral instrument portal proximal to the scope portal...Figure 17.21 Leipzig stifle distractor. A negatively threaded pin (3 mm diam...Figure 17.22 A common arthroscopic complication is the inability to identify...Figure 17.23 A partial meniscectomy was performed in this patient with a buc...Figure 17.24 An uncommon but important intraoperative complication is accide...Figure 17.25 The long digital extensor tendon (white arrow) must be avoided ...Figure 17.26 Care should be taken when using the grasper to remove a large m...Figure 17.27 The jaw of this grasper broke during the arthroscopic procedure...Figure 17.28 Diagnosis of early partial tears is greatly enhanced by the mag...Figure 17.29 Arthroscopy allows the surgeon to assess the integrity of the c...Figure 17.30 The remaining intact fibers of the CCL should be probed to dete...Figure 17.31 A partial tear of the craniomedial band of the cranial cruciate...Figure 17.32 Arthroscopy provides an enhanced view of the condition of the a...Figure 17.33 Chronic low‐grade synovitis has been shown to occur commonly fo...
18 Chapter 18Figure 18.1 Caudal view of a dog's stifle joint. The caudal pole of the late...Figure 18.2 The structures associated with the proximal tibia have been expo...Figure 18.3 Illustration of the different medial meniscal tears that can be ...Figure 18.4 A typical meniscal probe. The right‐angled tip helps the surgeon...Figure 18.5 Performance of a craniomedial arthrotomy in a left stifle joint....Figure 18.6 Performance of a craniomedial arthrotomy in a left stifle joint....Figure 18.7 Full craniomedial arthrotomy with the patella luxated laterally....Figure 18.8 Illustration of the caudal aspect of the stifle joint. Note that...Figure 18.9 Cartilage damage (black arrow) created by a Ventura stifle distr...Figure 18.10 When the tip of the stifle distractor is not positioned suffici...Figure 18.11 If the tip of the stifle lever distractor is placed on the tibi...Figure 18.12 The tip of the stifle distractor is placed medial to the caudal...Figure 18.13 A Gelpi retractor has been placed intraarticularly to help dist...Figure 18.14 (a) In this illustration of arthroscopy of a right stifle, the ...Figure 18.15 Leipzig stifle distractor. A negatively threaded pin (3 mm diam...Figure 18.16 Probing the meniscus (via arthrotomy or arthroscopy). Both the ...Figure 18.17 Performance of a caudal meniscotibial desmotomy of the medial m...Figure 18.18 (a) Correct blade position for performance of a midbody meniscal...Figure 18.19 (a) An incomplete midbody medial meniscal release has been perfo...Figure 18.20 Illustration of the proximal aspect of the tibia. Meniscal bloo...Figure 18.21 Simulated partial meniscectomy of a bucket handle tear of the c...Figure 18.22 Arthroscopic view of the medial compartment of the stifle joint...
4 Preface
6 Foreword
11 Index
12 Wiley End User License Agreement
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