Edoardo Provenzi

From Euclidean to Hilbert Spaces

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      δi,j is the Kronecker delta5.

      The Pythagorean theorem can be generalized to abstract inner product spaces. The general formulation of this theorem is obtained using a lemma.

      LEMMA 1.1.– Let (V, 〈, 〉) be a real or complex inner product space. Let uV be orthogonal to all vectors v1, . . . , vnV . Hence, u is also orthogonal to all vectors in V obtained as a linear combination of v1, . . . , vn.

      PROOF.– Let image, be an arbitrary linear combination of vectors v1, . . . , vn. By direct calculation:


. Let u, vV be orthogonal to each other. Hence:


      More generally, if the vectors v1,. . . , vnV are orthogonal, then:


      PROOF.– The two-vector case can be proven thanks to Carnot’s formula:


      Proof for cases with n vectors is obtained by recursion:

      – the case where n = 2 is demonstrated above;

      – we suppose that image (recursion hypothesis);

      – now, we write u = vn and image, so uz using Lemma 1.1. Hence, using case n = 2: ‖u + z2 = ‖u2 + ‖z2, but:






      giving us the desired thesis.

      The following result gives information concerning the distance between any two vectors within an orthonormal family.

and let F be an orthonormal family in V . The distance between any two elements of F is constant and equal to image.

      PROOF.– Using the Pythagorean theorem: ‖u + (−v)‖2 = ‖u2 + ‖v2 = 2, from the fact that uv.□

      The orthogonality condition is more restrictive than that of linear independence: all orthogonal families are free.

      THEOREM 1.10.– Let F be an orthogonal family in (V, 〈, 〉), F = {v1, · · · , vn}, vi ≠ 0 ∀i, then F is free.

      PROOF.– We need to prove the linear independence of the elements vi, that is, image. To this end, we calculate the inner product of the linear combination image and an arbitrary vector vj with j ∈ {1, . . . , n}:


      By hypothesis, none of the vectors in F are zero; the hypothesis that image therefore implies that:


      This holds for any j ∈ {1, . . . , n}, so the orthogonal family F is free.□

      Using the general theory of vector spaces in finite dimensions, an immediate corollary can be derived from theorem 1.10.

      COROLLARY 1.1.– An orthogonal family of n non-null vectors in a space (V, 〈, 〉) of dimension n is a basis of V .

      DEFINITION 1.6.– A family of n non-null orthogonal vectors in a vector space (V, 〈, 〉) of dimension n is said to be an orthogonal basis of V . If this family is also orthonormal, it is said to be an orthonormal basis of V .

      Note that in order to determine the components of a vector in relation to an arbitrary basis, we must solve a linear system of n equations with n unknown variables. In fact, if vV is any vector and (ui) i = 1, . . . , n is a basis of V , then the components of v in (ui) are the scalars α1, . . . , αn such that:


      where ui,j is the j-th component of vector ui.

      However, in the presence of an orthogonal