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Biomedical Data Mining for Information Retrieval

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of affairs between causative SNPs and traits would not decrease with time, avoiding the necessity to recalibrate the model every few generations [14]. But each simulation and empirical studies have not shown a major gain of sequence over excessive- density SNP arrays [15, 16]. The conventional algorithms and extraordinarily versatile device of DL have a diode to achievement in various areas (e.g., analysis of pictures, films, voice, texts, and macromolecule folding). These algorithms have already been applied to an awesome kind of genomic problems like physical variant career [17] and prediction of the scientific effect of mutations [18] or transcription patterns [19]. With their aim to predict new information as accurately as doable, the metric capacity unit will be less restrictive and their ability to be told while not model assumptions for genomic prediction is among the foremost distinguished benefits of the metric capacity unit. Its connection would not like any specifications: whether or not the constitution shows dominance or organic process. Furthermore, metric potential unit nonlinear relationships because metric capacity unit admit various nonlinear activation capabilities. It ought to be doable to seek out the simplest metric capacity unit design which will be learned by itself, regardless of the underlying genetic design if decent information is going to be provided. “Standard” quantitative or binary phenotypes are used for genomic predictions and in varied applications of the metric capacity unit up to now. Evidence, although restricted nevertheless indicates that dramatic enhancements with the metric capacity unit during this field should not be expected.

      Information Extraction (IE) is an important and growing field, in part because of the development of ubiquitous social media networking millions of people and producing huge collections of textual information. Mined information is being used in a wide array of application areas from targeted marketing of products to intelligence gathering for military, and security needs. IE has its roots in AI (Artificial Intelligence) fields including machine learning, logic and search algorithms, computational linguistics, and pattern recognition. IE can be used for taking out information which is useful from the data which may be unstructured or semi-structured. Nowadays a lot of data is pouring in making the process of information extraction extremely difficult. Such big data gives rise to unstructured data which may be multi-dimensional, which further complicates the problem. Thus, computational capabilities equipped with the tools of AI is acting as a game changer helping to deal with large amounts of unstructured data which has an advantage over traditional IE systems having improved computational capabilities. In this context neural and adaptive computing might play a very important role. These have been discussed in the later part of the chapter.

      2.4.1 Approaches for Analysis of Gene Expression

      The following methods and high throughput approaches have been used for analysis of gene expression

      1 Microarrays: It is a very effective tool for analysis of gene expression. Microarray has been used for comparison of the same set of genes in different conditions, or in different cells or in same cells in different timings. Microarray has been used for analysis of gene expression on a large scale. It is act usually comparative study. It has been used for tens of thousands of target gene comparisons at one time. In different sets of conditions with the same set of genes expressed differently, microarray has been used to predict the different expression of the same set of genes in different conditions. It gives an idea about a particular set of get for their up regulation or down regulation when compared with standard one. Therefore relative expression levels between the two populations can be calculated. This high throughput approach allows for large scale screening of gene pathways or disease-related gene families. It provides a useful approach in disease-prognosis and disease diagnosis studies. It is a very effective method to determine the effects of chemicals or drugs on biological processes in pharmaceutical research.

      Microarray has been used for analyzing large amounts of genes which have either been recorded previously or new samples. Microarray is a very sensitive technique. It can detect even a single nucleotide change in a given gene. This highly precise determination of a single nucleotide change or SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphisms) via microarray make this approach very useful applicable to identify strains of viruses, to identify mutation in cancer cells and subsequently facilitate disease’s treatment

      3 Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) NGS is another technology used for gene expression analysis. RNA-Seq is an efficient technology. Millions of random position reads could be measured and compared with the help of NGS. Data can be used to map and align to each gene, in this way NGS provides an analysis of gene expression at a remarkable level of detail.

      4 Real Time Reverse Trancriptase PCR (RT-PCR) Real time reverse transcriptase PCR (RT-qPCR) is another powerful approach for determination of high throughput gene expression analyses and for the analysis of moderate numbers of genes. It can detect accurate relative and in some cases absolute quantity of cDNA in a sample. RT-PCR is accurately used for qualitative and quantitative interpretation of gene expression. It is gold standard method for analysis of gene expression. Depending upon the experiment design, overall workflow and analysis techniques RT-qPCR gives efficient results. For getting 100% PCR efficiency, a number of models, software programs and calculation approaches are there. Depending upon the numbers or type of reference genes used for normalization and calculation methods RT-PCR results may vary. Once relative expression levels have been calculated,