Александра Егурнова

ESP: Accounting and Economics. Teacher’s book

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«Manager» is the odd-one-out because all other three are people who receive services, goods, etc. while a manager is a person who provides these services, goods, etc.

      Task 11. Match the two halves of the sentences to make logical statements which contain a fixed phrase with job or work.

      1) Our accountants must not make personal calls (C) in work hours

      2) Thousands of hopeful job hunters (F) are queuing to emigrate

      3) Job security is the most important factor (A) for many employees

      4) Make sure your work place (H) is kept clean at all times

      5) Her test results are excellent, but she (D) has no relevant work experience

      6) Sorry, but washing the windows (B) is not in my job description

      7) He’s too lazy and (E) has no work incentive

      8) I’m more interested in job satisfaction than (G) in earning more money

      Task 12. Fill in each gap with one suitable word from the table.

      Leadership Skills

      Accounting 1) professionals need to be ambitious self-starters who can develop new insights, manage projects, and motivate and engage 2) team members, all the while displaying solid leadership skills. While the partners at your firm or leaders in your department are 3) managing the business side of the organization, you may need to serve as a source of aid when colleagues need help 4) navigating a particular program or managing their first busy-season audit.

      Additionally, your managers may look to you for 5) fresh ideas regarding how the organization can ensure continuity of service to 6) clients, improve compliance procedures or address a host of other issues.


      Task 14. Answer the questions (1—6) using information from the text.

      1. What kind of employees does the author look for?

      B. Those who submit to the company’s culture.

      2. During pre-interviews, the author pays attention to:

      D. Communication skills.

      3. How much do the hires of inexperienced workers in the author’s company comprise?

      C. More than four fifths.

      4. Internship program:

      A. Shows the strengths and weaknesses of the prospective worker.

      5. According to the author, it is better to invest in:

      A. Interns.

      6. The author is of the opinion that workers are:

      D. Substitutable.

      Task 16. Give synonyms from the text to the words below.

      Free (thinkers) (paragraph 1)

      Multiple (paragraph 2)

      Unanimous (paragraph 3)

      Interns (paragraph 4)

      Leadership (paragraph 5)

      Benefit (paragraph 6)

      Tremendous (paragraph 7)

      Morale (paragraph 8)


      Task 18. Fill in the table with appropriate verbs. Which grammar tenses are being described?

      Task 19. Read the text and put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple Tense.

      The best tool for time management 1 IS probably one of the simplest tools, and that 2 IS having a schedule. You can do that on paper or with a phone or Outlook – whatever electronic versions 3 WORK best. Taking the time to actually schedule 4 IS really the key. Scheduling time to actually 5 GO through your calendar and fill it up. I find when my calendar 6 IS empty, I often will wander off to different tasks or get distracted with email or maybe just think about all the things there 7 ARE to do instead of actually getting them done. Having time set aside to schedule and plan 8 IS a pretty critical part of scheduling.

      The more you can schedule blocks of time in a repetitive sort of manner so that you can get into a routine, then you can really find that the schedule 9 WORKS well for you and 10 BECOMES a natural process. One of the best ways that I 11 FIND to actually get things accomplished would be if you 12 SCHEDULE time out of the office, maybe at a coffee shop or 13 TAKE yourself to lunch, and that can be a great time to use for actually planning your schedule and planning time ahead.

      Task 20. Match the headlines (A-D) to the extracts (1—4). Explain why the verbs in bold are used in the Present Simple or Present Continuous.

      1) B. Assess your personal habits

      2) D. Stimulate your brain

      3) A. Try sleep programming

      4) C. Read

      Task 21. Say whether the sentences below are grammatically correct. Correct those which are wrong.

      1) Look! Susan is planting forget-me-nots in front of her house. CORRECT

      2) Do they discuss what Pete’s done? It’s so impolite. WRONG – Are… discussing

      3) I often visit my relatives at weekends. CORRECT

      4) Are you thinking it’s true Rose is leaving for Moscow? WRONG – Do… think

      5) Can you hear? Someone knocks at the back door. WRONG – is knocking

      6) No wonder he can’t buy a flat – the prices are rising these days. CORRECT

      7) We don’t want to have lunch right now. CORRECT

      8) Oh, no! Some strange guy tries to start your car! WRONG – is trying

      9) Are you liking a strawberry ice-cream? WRONG – Do… like

      10) I hate going out when it rains. CORRECT

      Task 22. Complete the dialogs by putting the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or the Present Continuous.

      1) A: Where IS Linda?

      B: She IS HAVING dinner again in the kitchen.

      A: I BELIEVE she IS EATING quite much.

      B: Me too, she IS NOT MOVING much and BECOMING a couch potato.

      2) A: DO you HEAR the noise?

      B: Oh, DO NOT WORRY. It IS John. He IS TYING to play the guitar.

      3) A: IS Ann GOING with the Browns?

      B: She WANTS to.
