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Cyber-Physical Distributed Systems

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DR Demand Response EENS Expected ENS EM Expectation‐Maximization ENS Energy Not Supplied ERP Expected RP ESS Energy Storage System EV Electrical Vehicle EWMA Exponentially Weighted Moving Average FDs Feeders FERC Federal Energy Regulatory Commission FESS Flywheel Energy Storage System FFT Fast Fourier Transform G Natural Gas Plant GA Genetic Algorithms GC Global Cost GM Grey Differential Model Ls Loads LAN Local Area Networks LC Long‐Run Cost Rate LFC Load Frequency Control LP Linear Programming HAN Home Area Networks HGSAA Hybrid Genetic‐Simulated‐Annealing Algorithm HMM Hidden Markov Model HPS Hybrid Power System MAC Media Access Control MADT Maximum Allowable Delay Time MCR Maintenance Cost Rate MCS Monte Carlo Simulation MDEM Missing Data Expectation Maximization MLE Maximum Likelihood Estimation MNB Multi‐Node Bandit MS Main Supply MSE Mean Squared Errors MTU Maximum Transmission Unit NAN Neighbourhood Area Networks NCS Networked Control System NHPP Non‐Homogeneous Poisson Process OPF Optimal Power Flow O&M Operation & Maintenance PBM Performance‐Based Maintenance PCLPs PHEV Charging Load Profiles PCM Percentage of Corrective Maintenance PI Proportional–Integral PID Proportional–Integral–Derivative PHEVs Plug‐In Hybrid Electric Vehicles PMU Phasor Measurement Units PO Percentage Overshoot PPM Percentage of Preventive Maintenance PSO Particle Swarm Optimization PV Photovoltaic Power RBD Reliability Block Diagram RERs Renewable Energy Resources RP Redundant Power RT Rising Time RTU Remote Terminal Unit RUL Remaining Useful Lifetime SA Simulated Annealing SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition SOC State of Charge ST Settling Time TCo Total O&M Cost TENS Total ENS W Wind Power WAMS Wide‐Area Measurement Systems WAN Wide Area Networks WAPS Wide‐Area Power System WCSS Within‐Cluster Sum of Square WLAN Wireless Local Area Networks WTG Wind Turbine Generator